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Everything posted by half27baked@gmail.com

  1. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    Hello Dayz, For my first post on these forums, I'd like to report an admin and his friends for cheating. Required: * Server this happened on: Dallas 69 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 94876) [REGULAR][GMT-8] dayzmod.com - Hosted by U.S.S. Achillius, and the Chalas group! * Time that it happened including your timezone: July 13th, 2012 @ 6:15 PM CST through 6:45 PM CST (Central GMT-6, Texas) Names of the individuals in question: Anthony Alpha-Delta SetDown U.S.S. Achillius * What happened during the incident: I'm driving my ATV around the northern border of the map, and I decided to check my usual spot where I put up tents on other servers (Coords: 073 004 ). Well lo and behold as I approach I hear a UAZ (It's a regular server, I tagged his name as "Alpha-Delta") coming to me from that direction. I stop the engine and watch as it passes by a couple hundred meters away. This gave me my first indication that this site was active. So I approach with caution from the northwestern side, the good vantage point above the area, and find two guys (Anthony, SetDown) logging in and out repeatedly. The stranger part of it: There were multiples of them standing in the area, looking straight up. The two of them were going through what looked like the backpacks of these "clones" as I will refer to them. I decided it was time to shoot because they were both right next to each other. I killed one and the other combat logged. Now, let me describe their camp: a Tractor, Ikarus, Ural, and a s1203. About 30 tents, half of them knocked down. Through the tents I found countless weapons, 10+ M4 Silenced weapons, multiples of just about every weapon and lots of (50+ clips) of ammo. As I'm waiting for my friends to arrive and help me, seeing as the one that combat logged could log back in and jump me at any time, I decided to set myself up on a hill and watch. About 5 minutes pass and U.S.S. Achillius, the admin of the server (his name is in the title), sneaks up on me heading STRAIGHT towards me. I'm watching him for a while and he's being very cautious but crawling RIGHT toward me. At this point I decide to take my shot - but too late - he apparently KNEW where I was and shot just before I. I died. End of story. These guys looked up to something nefarious, I would strongly recommend the DayZ team look into their actions on their server and look at the logs for my time to see if they were duping. Optional: EDIT: Around 9:00PM CST my buddies helped me by picking me up and taking me back to this spot on another server. I then proceeded to join Dallas 69 to take screenshots and destroy this abomination... this jizz stain on dayz' crotch... pics speak for themselves, and my story above corroborates it. And yes, aside from taking a rocket launcher in the tents and a couple clips of silenced STANAG... rest assured this campsite has been completely demolished. \ This next pic was a shot of the "gear" tab when looking at one of the "clone" bodies. And now... The "After" Pic Thanks for your time, I hope I provided enough information to warrant a look.
  2. half27baked@gmail.com

    SSS clan playing on a 3/3 SSS clan server

    In your screenshots it says "@hive". Most likely a server connected to the official hive. These guys be exploitin'
  3. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't killed you. Although I have had people PM me asking for the coords of your camp (even though, lol, I posted them in the OP from the start), must have been some of them. :)
  4. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    I like how when you reference my screenshots you don't mention the clones which are in the screenshots, which you claim you never saw even though you admitted to looting the guy i killed who was right next to them... duplicating them... And two hours later when I returned to take screenshots they were still there in the same spots as before. That's the core issue here, which is duping, I also mentioned some suspicious activities by you finding me, but I didn't say anything along the lines of "undeniable proof he's hacking", I simply said it along with all of these things posted above are pretty suspicious and worth looking into.
  5. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    My intent was to bring this to the attention of the community and devs. For the community: It's important to know of and avoid servers where there is admin abuse taking place. I think I've provided enough evidence to warrant a look into whether or not you were complicit in these dupings. For the developers: It's important for them to know who, what, where, and how these exploits are taking place. Especially when an admin may be involved. It is their perogative whether or not to punish for these actions. I'm merely doing the job of the alpha tester.
  6. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    I don't think bringing evidence and a documented story in a pretty constructive and respectful fashion is "flaming". There's good examples of flaming in these subforums but I don't believe my thread, unless you count jtyler, your first buddy to come in here and defend your actions, could be labeled "flaming". Like I said, I've tried to be as constructive and informative as I could. You're now trying to distance yourself from your friends, but the fact that you're on teamspeak with them and help them when they are attacked leads me to believe you are in collusion. That's why I brought this here instead of coming to you first. We'll leave it to the Devs to decide.
  7. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    Yeah, you're absolutely right, however I was suspicious and thought to provide as much information as I could. Never know if you've got mates with you, I'm a patient hunter and I don't just act on impulse alone. I figured someone would roll back to the camp after I caused some shit. Possibly a group of people.
  8. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    Please look back at the OP. The first two screenshots provided have the clones in them, the 2nd to last is a screenshot of one of their inventories. I didn't think at the time to "Study Body", so my bad on that. But still warrants a look by devs through logs if they are interested. I was saying what are the odds the server disconnected quickly enough after 9:00 PM CST to restore all of your stuff. What I was implying, sarcastically, is that you probably restarted the server soon after finding out what I did in order to save your stuff. It's a common theme that's been described by other players against other admins as well. It's also a recurring trend into the activies of this camp and warranted continued documentation.
  9. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    You've got screenshots, but you don't want to provide to defend yourself and your friends after all of this other effort? Well, I've got some new pictures to share. After all of these rebuttals and attacks on my character I've felt the need to justify my post and clear the air providing as much information as I can. So I decided, "Well, these guys' forum IQ doesn't seem to be very high, they are pretty much embarassing themselves. I wonder if they were smart enough to move their camp?". You claim you went there and looked and nothing was there. Well, why does it look like the server conveniently restarted and saved your tents and shit, I wonder what the odds of that are? (( These screenshots were taken around 12:45 PM (Central, -6 GMT, Texas), on July 14th, 2012 On Dallas 69, the same server listed in the OP )) For the record I blew this crap up again as a reward for the time spent. Used an M107 to kill some engines for the first time, definitely a nice option.
  10. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    This is basically admitting to him combat logging in your own words. SetDown was killed when I first approached camp, I thought I shot at anthony too but I believe I hit one of the clones he was standing next to. He combat logged as soon as he could. He wasn't very smart either, he logged back in at the same place I had been watching, I sprayed him with a couple bullets but he combat logged again. I don't know what happened after that but he certainly didn't die by my hands unless he bled out from hourglass from being injured and combat logging. Let me lay out what I think is going on. I think your friends were duping and I think you were complicit. The fact that you came to the camp after I killed your buddy (and one combat logged) and found and killed me yet DID NOT see these blatant clones standing around is in my opinion an obvious lie and a huge indicator that you are complicit. Then again, I was there. DayZ devs can look for themselves to make a judgement. It isn't my call, it's their's.
  11. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    Thanks for providing your side of the story. You claim you didn't see any duped bodies at the campsite? Well, that can help the devs when they look at the logs. I can guarantee you they were there just as in my screenshots. How do you think they got there? Do you think I, without a Ghillie Suit, somehow cloned these bodies just to frame you? Well, as said before, if the DayZ team is interested by the information I provided (with clear screenshot evidence of the dupe taking place by SOMEBODY) they can easily look and see who it is with all of the documentation I provided. I don't think I'd be stupid enough to get myself banned. Let me emphasize something from your post, and here's a direct quote: You didn't have too look too hard, someone was kind enough to come in here and explain in in this thread in not so descriptive terms (thanks xhalek) how your friends were doing this. And to be honest, after seeing an admin involved, I really thought I should report this. Also, your buddy Anthony combat logged which is strictly against your server rules from the MOTD messages. But I guess you'll justify it by saying, "It's ok to combat log if WE think we're being attacked by an ESP hacker". Obvious friends defending each other is obvious from this thread. your friend Jtyler has already pretty much admitted this exploit happened and, in not so many words, implied that it's not a big deal and they "shouldn't be punished" for exploiting. You're the admin on the server... your friends are duping... pretty suspicious behavior in my opinion.
  12. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    Ok, so for my last post, I'm going to try and lay out the fundamental issues that were wrong here: I provided clear evidence of possible dupes with dead cloned bodies. I have also done my best to stick around and provide as much information as possible. Unfortunately I don't have the forum warrior prowess as you, nor the dedication, I require editing and rereading and such to get my point across as well to elaborate in positions that needed so. I haven't used the edit to remove anything, only to add stuff. You're really starting to reach for the bottom of the barrel. Plus, If you look at my edit timestamps, they are never done after my next post except for the July 17th-July13th edit, which is clearly documented in the posts. On top of everything else, it means fuck all what you or I think, it is what the DayZ team ultimately thinks that matters. I'm happy enough to leave it up to them which is what I'm doing. Goodnight, it's been a pleasure arguing with you.
  13. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    I don't know if you noticed yet but the M4A1 Holo has a grenade launcher underbarrel, and is the "launcher" i've been referring to the whole time. There was plenty of ammo in my pistol slot which I had brought just for the occasion of making a big boom. It's unfeasible to think I don't have storage and friends to help me out with gear, yet it's feasible to you to have all of this massive storage sitting around and some suspicious looking "clones" at your camp, which you have now admitted to? Let me go back and quote your original post here: The fact that you kept your bias hidden until your 4th or 5th post is also an obvious form of deception. Funny how you were willing to give your opinion in your original post that "punishment shouldn't be administered" yet failed to provide your association with your friends... I mean buddy.. you're just digging a deeper hole for yourself here
  14. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    You're obviously a friend of this admin. I used the Grenade Launcher to destroy the vehicles which I brought with me from storage. I picked the Rocket Launcher up at this camp shown above. I've only been on this server a few times, mostly since Monday because my usual servers have not updated fully yet. You bloviate all over my thread about proper evidence and then throw hackusations back at me? Fuck you, buddy. I'm going to go do something more productive with my time now, I've provided the evidence to the developers and that's what matters. I don't need to get into a pissing contest with someone defending his friends.
  15. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    I didn't go straight back. There is a 2 hr 15 minute difference between the two periods as I documented. 6:45 PM and then again at 9:00PM. There was some things in between that I came upon. The Grenade Launcher was to blow the vehicles up the fun way, I'd been waiting for the opportunity to try such a thing. Also if you re-read I'll talk about picking up the rocket launcher at the camp itself and you'll see that it shows up halfway through the screenshots. Rest is self explanatory. I may not have "video evidence" but take note that it's optional in the stickied thread for christ sakes. The important thing is here that I've showed visual and documented time evidence of someone possibly duping with multiple "dead" clones, more than a likely fight would leave, and in awkward positions which makes it suspicious.They can easily check the hive character server for logs with the names and times i've provided to see if any items mysteriously appeared or duplicated. If they are interested in doing so that is their option, I'm merely providing the information.
  16. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    That's a good point. I'll edit it. Mistype's can be a pain. Your argument is flawed. That's like saying it's ok for people to combat log, which is apparently a bannable offense and something rocket has personally posted about stating so. I don't see much of a difference between that and this aside from the fact that this could have an effect on a much larger scale. The fact that there is possibly an Admin involved is also something that could be more serious. However, I won't be playing on that server anymore and it won't effect me much. I'm simply using these forums to provide information to the community and developers. It's obviously here for a reason.
  17. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    Like I said they were logging in and out, and these clones with what appeared to be their weaponry were in the bodies. Also, they had a lot of tents set up and seemed to have things sorted pretty well in different tents... It's suspicious and that's why I'm reporting it. You mention it "could be a glitch in the game" well, that's how dupes happen. They are exploits in the game that players abuse for advantage and as Rocket has stated before exploits are bannable offenses. Only problem is, this seems to be the admins and their buddies. This is worth the look from the DayZ staff in my opinion. That's why I'm posting it, that's why this subforum exists. They will probably be able to easily see if all of these items they accumulated "appeared" out of nowhere in the logs.
  18. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    I have now updated this report with screenshots that I went back and took.. then destroyed the camp.
  19. half27baked@gmail.com

    Admin Duping & ESP on Dallas 69

    Point is I saw lots of clones. Looks like they were duping something. The DayZ Dev team has the hive's character logs, they could probably take a look and see the duping taking place. Just wanted to pass the message along.