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About C4RT3R

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  1. C4RT3R

    TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

    Another post which should be reserved for a full launched game... not a alpha !
  2. C4RT3R

    Admins With Godmode ?

    looks like the guys running ther server are -=NP=-,,, seen a -=NP=-Mason post the times ther server restarts.
  3. C4RT3R

    Admins With Godmode ?

    Only MOTD I see is "Welcome to the home of the Chernarus Jogging Team" All I could find on google: http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/270387?sort=island
  4. C4RT3R

    Admins With Godmode ?

    I dont know how this game works, thought maybe an admin had powers to this, thats why there was a ? (question mark) on the title... derp... Ok I'll log back in there see what info I can find.
  5. Was just in server US 875 and came across some guy in the Cherno supermarket, he started throwing flares like it was nothing, maybe luring people in? I made my way in though the far right back door, he seen me come in and shot, I shot back, got to some cover behind the wall with the door to the back room with shelving, then in direct chat he started saying something along the lines of what I could make out "I'll just go into debug mode" "haha godmode" then came in throough a door way I unloaded a whole clip from my MP5 I could see them hitting him and he pulled out a gun and killed me... From now on I will start running Fraps when I encounter someone and will report this kind of garbage.
  6. Been playing for the past week and need to find myself a team that takes the game serious as I do. I'm not looking to run and gun, but looking to survive, scope out places before going in, taking my time and try to use some strategy and mastering the art of stealth on zombies. So far I've been running solo got some good gear made a Flugfeld Airbase run. I've been alive in game for the past 2 days a record for me as I just started playing. I like to explore and help a friendlies out (Medical, Food, Water) but still cautious and will defend myself. A little info on myself below. 28 years old. 10+ years experience with FPS. Has a Mic ( TS, Vent, Mumble). Good Gaming Rig. Takes the game serious. Uses tactics. Team Player. Always friendly unless threatened.
  7. C4RT3R

    U.S.S. Looking for Members

    oops. sent in PM.
  8. Been playing for the last couple of days, have a good feel for the game. Looking to join a team/clan that plays in EST and are 18+, I have a mic and all voice programs. Please reply or PM me some info.
  9. Started playing the mod today and I rally like it. First couple of tries I died alot (getting use to the game), but then I started a game, took my time, found some weapons, ammo, food, compass. map, watch and a 20 slot backpack etc I've been alive for more than 4 hours. I was having so much fun and enjoying the game... until... My f**k'en backpack full of ammo,drinks and food just disappeard, then to make things worse I venture into a town to find more supplies and I'm crawling into a building (trying to be ninja on some zombies) then all the sudden my guy cries out in pain and starts bleeding and get's a broken bone... wtf just happened ? Anyway the game is fun, but really buggy to get any kind of long term enjoyment.