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About Sardaukar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. As a fairweather bandit, I shoot people when there is no reason for me not to, if only to practice my range estimation. I assume this is a common mentality and I'm not sure why anyone who thinks like this would care what the victim looked like. We all look pretty similar lying in the tall grass, backpacks and ballcaps.
  2. Sardaukar

    Question about alternate profiles

    Well nuts. Not sure I want to risk my current gear- and run a tremendous distance- to show them the ropes personally. Suppose I can give them general directions to where my group operates.
  3. I'm going to have a second friend trying this mod out soon, and was wondering: If you create another player profile, will it work as an alternate Day Z character, and if this works, is it allowed? I haven't found any information about it, but I have found posts about the strictness of bans, so it seems prudent to ask first.