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Afro Ninja

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About Afro Ninja

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    On the Coast
  1. Afro Ninja

    US 2873 "Paprika"

    Heard some shots around balota airfield so I head to where they were, and there was a V3S, a Ural, and 3 guys. Take 2 guys out with my trusty sniper and I go for the other guy, shoot him in the head, and he doesnt die. He kills me in 2 shots with his DMR. This happened on US 2873, not even 3 minutes ago, his name was Paprika. EDIT: There's even someone named "PaprikaSpawnMeACrate
  2. A new update was released for Arma 2: OA and when it tries to update, it just says Suspended and it won't let me pause or unpause it, it just goes right back to Suspended.
  3. Afro Ninja

    Unscoped CZ550/M14?

    I dunno, but I was thinking about this, and it would be cool to add "hunting rifles", so to speak. Just take the scope off, pop on some iron sights, and i'd think we'd have a pretty nice rifle here.
  4. Afro Ninja

    Post your gaming setup!

    Welp, guess I have to reply, but most of you guys will blow mine out the damn water. CPU: AMD 6100 Six-Core Processor 3.3 ghz (need to OC when I get a better PSU) Mobo: ASUS M5A78L-M-LX-PLUS GPU: Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 7950 RAM: 8 gigs, not sure the manufacturer Heatsink: stock, sadly. looking to buy a H60 Keyboard: some acer keyboard, really nice and quiet, not colorful, though. Mouse: Logitech wireless mouse, not that fancy.. It's blue, though! :D Headset: Turtle Beach Earforce X12 (im a cheapo) Tower: MSI Raptor II Interceptor Series PSU: DiabloTek 600w PSU Monitor: Some gateway 1680 x 1050 HDMI monitor. It's good, I guess.. *sigh* I need to upgrade a lot of stuff.. XD
  5. Afro Ninja

    Major FPS lag

    Hello, before I go into any detail, here are my PC specs: CPU: AMD FX-6100 6-core processor 3.3ghz RAM: 8 GB OS: Win 7 GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7950 MB: ASUS M5A78L-M-LX-PLUS HDD: 1.5 TB I have not had any major fps lag in the past, I have been playing at a clean 60 fps on High settings with no problems. When I logged in about 2 hours ago, my framerate went to crap and even Very Low settings wouldn't help. My drivers are up to date and I really won't try gamebooster, as there is something wrong.
  6. Me and my friends were playing on US 937 an they were running through a field near Vybor and they start hearing helicopter noises. All of a sudden, the helo is looking at them, then tries to land, and crashes. Then, shots were being fired and they all died. I was checking up on the Balota airstrip and found an M4A3 CCO. Then I started hearing helicopter noises, and then a helicopter just crashes into the other hangar. I was getting shot at, so I left. Pussy move? I think not. What server were you on: US 937 What time in your timezone was this: About 1:15 pm PST WHat happened during the incident: Helicopter crashes, then shots followed after. Everywhere.
  7. Afro Ninja

    What the fuck.

    SO, I joined US 838 LA, spawned in balota, and nothing in the airstrip, as always. I go to the deer stands and find a guy dead with a G17, sweet. Go up a ladder and find a remington. Pretty good start. Until.. I see 3 fucking guys go through the gate, so I hide. One of em goes up the ladder across the way and I pop him. He's down. The 2nd guy dc's. I pop the 3rd guy 5 TIMES in the chest, and he doesnt die. He's just looking down at the ground of the ladder. So I pop him in the head, still doesnt go down, I check him, he isnt dead. So I leave him alone, thinking he will bleed out sooner or later and go loot the 1st guy. All of a sudden I drop dead, -18023 blood, no bones broken. What. the. fuck.
  8. DayZ Name : Grizzly How long have you been playing DayZ Since June 30th What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern,etc] Pacific Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] Damn right. What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc Support or sniper, depends on the situation Skype name : [Name goes here] slaglefam