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Everything posted by Barronism

  1. Playing the last 30mins, I've now gotten a headache and my eyes hurt. Shaking either needs a complete removal, or to only trigger shaking for a few secs every "X" mins. I can't play like this. It is literally making me feel like vomiting outside the game.
  2. Barronism

    Tree Hack and ESP. ETA on fix?

  3. Barronism

    So I'll just put this here... Day-D

    "minor changes" XD I'd play it
  4. This is the ops second thread with the same idea.... Sad.
  5. Barronism

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    No it would not, it would increase it. Now, for that time duration you cannot hurt eachother. If it is indeed a lower duration. Then just keep track of time to the second. Work with them and "be" friendly ingame with them. Then, shoot them the very second the timer is out. You can also grief by simply saying yes to their friendly option then having another friend come and kill him. You can be an unkillable scout. If anything thing, this option greatly increases the amount of griefing or "meta" gaming that can happen. But it still gives those that want to play together a safer option to do so. Both sides win. Remember, you don't have to click yes either. You can just kill them like the game currently is. Plus, you need to remember that not everyone will remember to use this feature in the heart of the moment.
  6. Barronism

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    I think all these youngins are forgetting that they can't go around killing everyone they meet. That isn't "realistic". Recall the days of un modern society, people who murdered others where still hunted down by good folks and killed. There has always and will always be conscienceless for KoS behavior in reailty, yet this game doesn't offer any. How is that realistic? It isn't, not in the slightest. GIving an option like this isn't bad, yes it isn't realistic. But the entire game isn't "realistic". So it needs to develope some form of anti griefing. I think this idea is fine, but an hour is to long. Perhaps a 5-10 min window, this gives you plenty of time to seperate or finish what you're doing. If you choose to team up. You can either keep hitting the Friendly shout button for safety with them or just trust them. IF they kill you after that window is up, So be it. We'll call that Meta gaming, but the option to kill you wasn't the only option for that player. You don't speak for everyone, as a member of the "mass audience". I am not for KoS bullshit, but am not against pvp. So again,
  7. Barronism

    What does Mountain Dew do?

    Take it to the mountain that cannot be named. God speed.
  8. Barronism

    They Fix 1 Bug 10 More Create!

    Yelling at an Alpha mod is very productive.
  9. Barronism

    Force "killed by" messages

    RoastLamb, there is no other way to stop them. The log files don't show killed by properly. Its a complete mess and leaves admins with less power than the hackers. Giving a "Killed by" message, even if its only visible to admins. Then it is a fantastic idea (that has been suggested a lot since the start). I'm still surprised it isn't here yet, perhaps its not possible. Without it, it lets hackers run rampant on non nametag servers. They need to either force name tags on every server so hackers can get reported properly. Or add the "killed by" message so people can report, or admins can see when a hacker mass kills people.
  10. Barronism

    Am I just crazy?

    You can change your skin without scripting. However the invisibility is a hack tool. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65044-best-hacker-of-all-time-scariest-moment-ever/
  11. No, I don't think there should be. IF they do add any type of "endgame" content. Hopefully raids and dungeons aren't it. If you look at games like Mortal Online or what WarZ is proposing. They have a chance for certain rare creatures to spawn that have overall better loot upon death. Perhaps a slightly larger zombie that had an extra 1-5% chance to drop that radio. Nothing amazing or definite, but enough to make people hunt them for gear. Slightly harder to kill... idk. I don't want raids, but am not against some form of pve objectives. Maybe take a page from Rift. They have "treasure" around the map or small little trinket like objects that twinkle, give players something to hunt that isn't zombie or pvp related.
  12. Barronism

    Deer stands with no loot?

    Yeah, not 100% loot chance. If you honestly wait like 10mins or so the game should roll another chance to spawn loot. So it might be there... or you might have wasted your time.. :P
  13. Barronism

    PvP vs PvE

    Read posts before replying. None of us wanted "safe zones". The OP is misleading people to try to get you to vote no.
  14. Barronism

    Friendly mode

    Also, no one asked for safe zones. He is deliberately misleading the readers to effect the outcome of the poll. Without explaining the position of the pve side. It is pathetic and he thinks it will prove a point lol.
  15. Barronism

    global ban lifted, then banned again?

    Ouch, that sucks. That is all I got... really sucks lol.
  16. I do and do not agree. This game is developed on a shooter and I think a lot of people are attracted to that aspect of game play. With the ease of death, making these items hard to get would probably anger a lot of people. However I do think there needs to be a lot more melee weapons, perhaps if weapons spawns where reduced by 50%, so they're still actively ingame but that 50% that was removed was replaced by other forms of melee weapons. It would greatly reduce who has what but not make it hard to find guns. I don't know, it is an interesting issue that will probably need some type of look over come standalone. Perhaps even if there were server options to spawn guns or not to. Would create melee pvp servers and gun servers. A completely different form of pvp combat that could help the games over all life span.
  17. Barronism

    PvP vs PvE

    Ignoring your biased post. He made this thread in regards to another thread where the OP wanted there to be an option during the standalone version of this game for servers to host pve only servers. There would be NO difference in game play from zombies or loot in anyway, except the lack of pvp. Players could still steal from you, players could take your cars, however they couldn't sit ontop of a hill in Elektro and shoot you five minutes after you spawned just because they're bored. No one in that thread wanted anything different, they will find their own forms of entertainment and there is no reason what so ever why both sides can't enjoy the game. None at all. Pvpers will not have to play on pve servers and vice versa. PLay what you like, that is the point of a sandbox. To play the game how you like it. "Let's not weaken the game". So I guess ignoring a huge marketing and player base that would bring in a lot more money into the game to allow for the further development and increased fun of the game doesn't "weaken the game". There should be as many options to play style as possible to ensure the strongest possible future for this game. We love the game, so lets try to help it actually become something. Instead of acting selfish.
  18. Barronism

    Friendly mode

    Your poll is strictly directed at ignoring pve. If you want to make something, try making it unbiased instead of making something to sway the readers.
  19. Barronism

    Friendly mode

    I'm sure there are a lot of people who have the ability to edit the current DayZ files. This is showed by the creation of Lingor Island and the DayZ single player version. All it would take is for another person to edit in Pve and host a server. Wouldn't matter if someone was hacking on that server though, It would be bad yes. But it would be an unsupported version of the game. Like Lingor Island is.
  20. Barronism

    Friendly mode

    Like I said, they're very close minded and refuse to read the thread. They keep posting things that have nothing to do with the idea and act like people are asking for the complete removal of it from the entire game. What is asked, is for another option. This is in Alpha, the point of an Alpha test is to submit and add content that can change the game, to experiment with the very idea of the game and find what is the most appealing and fun. Adding in Pve servers is both easy, and could vastly increase the player count come standalone. $$ Talks. BI is the source behind the standalone and they will without a doubt want to add in options to bring in as many customers as possible. This means they will want to make a softcore version to appeal to casual gamers. Strategos, I don't think you understand what brings people in. I know I wasn't attracted to the pvp. An Open world Zombie mmo that I could play with friends, is why I came. The pvp is a side effect and not needed for me to enjoy it. I spend very little time having to pvp and a good 90% of my time fighting zombies and looking for loot or repairing vehicles and exploring the map. If there was a pve version on the standalone. I'd still probably play on pvp servers, because if I wanted to pvp. i could, if I don't want to. I won't go to main cities. However there are countless people who no doubt do not want what you want. My nephew likes to watch me play and he doesn't like that other people can shoot you. Now mind you, there are loads of people who like pvp, but there are loads of people who like pve. There is not a single reason at all to not allow both pve and pvp players to enjoy the game. It will only bring in more sales and help the further development of the game. Quoting rocket means nothing, sorry but if he wants his game to compete with WarZ and Dead linger and class 3. He is going to need to attract as many people as possible and keep them here. No one here is asking for him to create special pve endgame content. Not a single person has asked that in this thread. No one wants special content or different gameplay. Sure, they could create two seperate pbos and allow pve servers to use one and pvp servers to use another. The one for pve servers would have increased zombie damage or what have you. All that would require is to change a few values and name the pbo something else and save it. Wouldn't take more than 15mins probably. So no, it would not cause any problems at all to change the value that sets zombie damage and let the servers "flag" for pvp/pve.
  21. Barronism

    Friendly mode

    Last 5 posters... didn't read the thread >_>
  22. Barronism

    Friendly mode

    Your concept of fun is your own. Stop saying it would be "boring". That is on you.
  23. Barronism

    Tent's contents going poof.

    Had that happen a few times, I've lost a tent full of stuff that I spent a week running back and forth from Cherno to get. Had another tent with an AS50 get completely wiped except for one morphine injector. This was directly after a restart, it was in there prior restart. Lost my L85A2 aws the same way. Overall, tents are completely buggy and not worth the risk having. My friends and I put up a few tents in "hidden" but easy to find locations. We put things like medical supplies and food/water in them. That is all. So when we die, or if we're near and need something. We can atleast get provisions to keep looking for more loot. Besides that, i dont' trust them with anything.
  24. Barronism


    I put a fix for that here, contact the server admin of your regular server and have him do this. It will check for files so that they can't remove files from their folder to delete plants/buildings. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48141-people-using-tree-grass-exploit/page__st__20#entry481304