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Everything posted by Omaran

  1. Omaran

    Those things they never tell you.

    Is that for real? I have only just got the hero skin and didn't know anything about this?!!
  2. Omaran

    Bandit or Hero? What should I choose?

    The 'easier' option by far is Bandit. The harder (and IMO more rewarding) is Hero :)
  3. Omaran

    NoobMin needs help

    Glad you got it sorted :)
  4. Same here, this is my own server, nearly 2 weeks old. I can see all the other vehicles have spawned in the logs, but no chopper yet..........
  5. Omaran

    NoobMin needs help

    What I said could still be an issue with the GSP not setting it up properly, i.e. firewall or misconfiguration with the mission file. If you have FTP access first check your mission file is in the MPMissions directory, then check your server.cfg and look for template = dayz_INSTANCE_ID.Chernarus; ^^ make sure INSTANCE_ID is the same number as your mission file.
  6. Omaran

    NoobMin needs help

    Probably a good idea to contact your GSP then
  7. Omaran

    NoobMin needs help

    It could be any number of things, first things to check are firewall and if you have you mission file set correctly in your config.
  8. Thanks, it does still state on site that BEC is needed to do this though, that is why I asked :) 'Technically, you're all set at this point, however by default, a server's ban list is only loaded when a server starts and not on a regular basis while the server is running. This means that while DayZ Anti-Hax might ban a user while the server is running, that user's ban will not actually be registered until the server has been restarted. To get around this pitfall, you can use Battleye Extended Controls (BEC), which allows you to run custom scheduled operations at regular intervals or at specific times while your server is running. In our case, we can use it to tell the server to reload the ban list on a regular basis so that DayZ Anti-Hax's bans are registered in a timely manner.' http://code.google.com/p/dayz-anti-hax/wiki/InstallationInstructions
  9. That is actually a typo in the server.cfg you download from the link in the Welcome Email, I noticed that when I set my server up.
  10. Thanks, I don't need scheduled restarts, I just wondered if I still needed BEC to reload the ban list.
  11. I'm a new server admin who needs some help with the logs, I've searched the forums and there are some good posts for server administration but not much about the logs themselves. Is there a website or a forum post on here I have missed which explains what I am looking for? For example I have a few entries in remoteexec.log - are these all hackers? The same for setpos.log, there is an entry in there - teleporting? I would like to fully understand what I am looking for as I don't want to ban innocent players. TIA
  12. I'm interested in running this on my server, a couple of questions (apologies if this has been answered, the thread is quite long now :) ) I take it this tool just continues running and keeps running even when the DayZ server is restarted (but needs to be started again if the dedicated server itself is rebooted)? Does this tool now reload the banlists - or do I still need to install BEC as well? TIA
  13. Omaran

    Understanding the logs

    OK, so on my server, in the Battleye dir I have: DayzGlobalBans.txt bans.txt If I download the latest bans.txt it will overwrite my current one and the bans I have added my self won't be there? And what about dwbans.txt? Do I just download that as well - or does it need to be some how merged into one file? Sorry for all the questions, I'll get there eventually!!
  14. Omaran

    Understanding the logs

    Awesome, thanks for your help :) I have all the latest files running on my server - the bans though, do I just copy all the bans and dwbans.txt to bans.txt? The main 2 files I have been looking at is the setpos.log and the remoteexec.log, this is a fairly new server so not many entries, but in remoteexec.log I have this: 24.09.2012 13:29:26: PLAYER1 (PLAYER1_IP) PLAYER1_GUID - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 24.09.2012 13:29:26: PLAYER1 (PLAYER1_IP) PLAYER1_GUID - #40 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 24.09.2012 13:29:27: PLAYER1 (PLAYER1_IP) PLAYER1_GUID - #38 "[this, 9.6362, 23273]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" 24.09.2012 13:29:27: PLAYER1 (PLAYER1_IP) PLAYER1_GUID - #40 "[this, 9.6362, 23273]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" 24.09.2012 13:29:27: PLAYER1 (PLAYER1_IP) PLAYER1_GUID - #38 "[this, 9.6362, 23273,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 24.09.2012 13:29:27: PLAYER1 (PLAYER1_IP) PLAYER1_GUID - #40 "[this, 9.6362, 23273,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 25.09.2012 13:16:20: PLAYER2 (PLAYER2_IP) PLAYER2_GUID - #0 "beeeh = this" 25.09.2012 13:16:20: PLAYER2 (PLAYER2_IP) PLAYER2_GUID - #38 "beeeh = this" 25.09.2012 13:16:20: PLAYER2 (PLAYER2_IP) PLAYER2_GUID - #69 "beeeh = this" 25.09.2012 15:40:59: PLAYER3 (PLAYER3_IP) PLAYER3_GUID - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 25.09.2012 15:40:59: PLAYER3 (PLAYER3_IP) PLAYER3_GUID - #40 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 25.09.2012 15:41:02: PLAYER3 (PLAYER3_IP) PLAYER3_GUID - #38 "[this, 8.65203, 6868.74]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" 25.09.2012 15:41:02: PLAYER3 (PLAYER3_IP) PLAYER3_GUID - #40 "[this, 8.65203, 6868.74]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" 25.09.2012 15:41:04: PLAYER3 (PLAYER3_IP) PLAYER3_GUID - #38 "[this, 8.65203, 6868.74,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 25.09.2012 15:41:04: PLAYER3 (PLAYER3_IP) PLAYER3_GUID - #40 "[this, 8.65203, 6868.74,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" Pretty sure PLAYER1 and PLAYER3 is hacking, but PLAYER2 - what is "beeeh = this" ?
  15. Omaran

    Autoban for Teleporting ???

    I have no idea what I am looking for here (I am trying to learn what I should be looking for in all the logs), but so far I have had only one entry in setpos.log 26.09.2012 14:25:06: PLAYER (PLAYERIP) PLAYERGUID - 69:7 [12258,9506,20] Is this a teleporter?
  16. Omaran

    Hacker - or 'legitimate' griefer?

    Pretty sure they didn't, scared the hell out of me when the trees started exploding, those guys must have sh*t themselves! :)
  17. Omaran

    Hacker - or 'legitimate' griefer?

    That's what I thought, I have never used satchel charges though, so don't know if there is a way to do what he did without hacking.
  18. Omaran

    How to claim your server @ Gametracker.com

    I changed the whole hostname to claim the server in GameTracker, it takes about a minute to do it, claim it and change it back again
  19. Omaran

    Arma 2 OA Beta Patch

    Is it the Steam version or CD? If it's Steam verify your files If it's CD uninstall/reinstall
  20. Omaran

    Arma 2 OA Beta Patch

    There is a registry edit you can do to correct the install path, I can't find it now but if you Google your error message you will find it. Or just use DayZ Commander to update it http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  21. Omaran

    which is better

    I've had an i7 since they first came out, if I'm honest it's overkill for PC gaming - having said that it's probably the longest time I have had the same CPU without having to upgrade it!! So it was definitely 'future proof' You won't go wrong with either of those
  22. You probably need to contact your GSP then I think
  23. What GSP are you with? I colocate as well but my GSP sorted the TCA install
  24. Did you stop the server before you patched it? edit: also you need to update the hive files too