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Everything posted by Omaran

  1. Omaran

    Cant connect to any servers

    Problems with the Hive by the look of it
  2. Omaran

    Can't join my server.

    Same for me, I guess there is a problem with the Hive............
  3. Omaran

    The 12 DayZ of Christmas Song

    Awesome!! :)
  4. Omaran

    Servers Closing??? GloVine gone???

    Don't think I'm dissing you mate, because I am not, I have a public hive running which is one of the top servers in the UK, but it's a PITA to look after due to the hackers, I have a Private hive running which us where I play all the time noiw. All I'm saying is somebody WILL report your server as it's running against the rules for Public hive - you only have to piss off one player and they will report you. Best of luck though (and I mean that sincerely :) )
  5. Thanks for coming on guys :) Saw just over 20 people on tonight, which isn't bad at all. The Whitelist will probably go live just after Christmas, so don't forget to apply at www.stormerclan.com (you will have to register and be manually approved, if you are not approved within 24 hours please contact me here).
  6. Omaran

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    ^^ Trust this guy, his fix repaired my hackers f**ked up server :)
  7. Try UK417 or go Private Hive: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/111693-uk-private-hive-needs-some-more-players/
  8. Omaran

    Servers Closing??? GloVine gone???

    You won't be able to run one at all when it gets black listed........ And before you say anything, no. I will not report you, because I know exactly what you are going through with hackers - but somebody will report the server, you can guarantee that....................
  9. Omaran

    Servers Closing??? GloVine gone???

    You can't password protect public hive servers.........................
  10. Omaran

    Need some help please

    Have just applied the fix, I can see hundreds of entries for DELETE Land_HBarrier_large in the RPT file I can't thank you enough :)
  11. Omaran

    Need some help please

    I will try this fix later, thanks very much - does this also get rid of buildings that are spawned in by hackers? I have barracks etc spawned at NWAF, I was led to believe these would be cleared up by the hive eventually, but they are still there after a few weeks.
  12. Ahh, I know what you are talking about now :) The discussion you saw was an admin asking if people wanted the loot chance to be higher than it is now, the loot drop chance has never been lowered, but we did think about making it higher. The general opinion from our regulars were that good loot is already easy enough to find, and they didn't want it made any easier.
  13. There has never been a custom loot table, it may be that when you played last the server was not restarted regulary, it now restarts every 6 hours. Good weapons are fairly easy to find, you still need to look, but they are there :)
  14. Cool, this is why we are hoping to get a regular player base on and then activate the whitelist :)
  15. Omaran

    Need some help please

    That would be useful :)
  16. Not password protected, but whitelist will be turned on soon, players just need to register for the whitelist (details are in the server messages), also running DayZ AntiHax and Gotcha AntiHack. Teams/clans are most welcome to spice up the action a bit! :)
  17. A great series of videos, I take no credit for these, they are all the work of 'Supah Jim', very funny and worth a watch!! http://www.youtube.com/user/SupahJim/videos?query=dayz
  18. Omaran

    Need some help please

    I feel your pain mate, I even opened a support ticket when I had buidlings spawned at NWAF - it never got answered :( I run a private hive as well and it's an easy job to get rid of them when you have access to the database, with the public hive you have to rely on somebody 'official' doing it, but it doesn't seem to happen :( I have wondered though, in the private hive you can state a maximum spawn for each vehicle, I'm sure the huey is a maximum of 1 in the public, so I have no idea how more can be spawned............
  19. Omaran

    Need some help please

    I can't help - and I doubt anybody officiall can either, but I've had a hacker spawn 10 hueys at NWAF, and have thunderdomes spawned. Nothing you can do about it on the public hive I'm afraid, it's a real PITA :( You will just have to destroy the heli's, I *think* the thunderdomes will disappear after a week or so.
  20. Muppet, I keep seeing people banned for crashing the helicopter (remote code execution), I *thought* I had changed or removed all the offending lines from remoteexec.txt but it is still happening :( Can you tell me what l have to remove or change to stop this, as obviously I have missed something!
  21. I am an admin of UK417, please PM me the details of your ban (including GUID's if you know them) and I will have a look. Alternatively you can post at www.stormerclan.com We have DayZ AntiHax and Gotcha running, unforunately there are no tools that can eradicate hackers 100%, they are either using a bypass, or one of the antihack programs will detect and ban them but only after the deed has been done :(
  22. That's the right place for it, and yes you do need to keep the .txt files - these are your 'rule' files, the logs are generated from whatever you have set in the .txt files
  23. Are those logs actually there? They will be created once an event requires it to log to them, or you can create blank ones to start with.
  24. Omaran


    I've had the same thing at NWAF, happened weeks ago and it's still there :( I was just about to come on and post about another one being spawned on my server, is there any way to prevent hackers doing this in the first place?