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Everything posted by Omricon

  1. Omricon


    When in an apocalyptic situation like this, you'd probably be quite scared, and what do you do when scared? You would try to survive at any cost. what I mean by adding fear to the game, is some features that would be catagorized as fear... When your hypothetical fear-meter rises, you run faster, you make breathe faster and tougher making more noise, you see better at night, you shake, you get an overlay on your screen, etc. the general idea is that it's a "booster" when you spawn, something that decays over time, your maximum fear meter decreases as you are afraid over time. It would make the start a bit easier without a weapon. But most importantly, it is not only a good thing, as you shake and make more noise breathing, you may have a harder time against zombies and other players. When would the fear-meter rise? Fear would come when you're hiding from zombies, dodging bullets, or simply running from an aggrovated zombie. Fear would pump adrenaline into your system, which would be the "fuel" of the fear-meter so to speak. I'd like to hear more things that could be added to the fear-meter if you liked the idea...
  2. I want to note before starting, everything told here has happpened to some extent, mostly the motives of doing things are incorrect, and I've filled in the details with something that makes sort of sence, also there is a huge part missing in this story from when we arrive at Mogilevka, which I cut out because it was boring, and impossible to explain (we went a bit ahead to Zub, then went back to pick up my friend who logged on back at Chernogorsk, then on our way to Mogilevka again, he had to go because something urgent came up, and so I dropped it from the story). the part of finding the two corpses in the beginning, one of them was actually me, which is the reason I went there in reality, I was killed right after killing a person trying to kill my friend, only to be sniper from a far. I've written it as if it was a diary, so I hope you enjoy. Entry 01: Like most other people, I woke up on the beach of Chernarus. On a little Inspection, I was near a city called Balota. After walking a bit, I saw a Walker walking around on a field, a bit beyond, there was a hangar for planes, so I had to be at the military base on the shore side. I went through stealthily into the hangars and the control tower to see if I could find something, which I did not sadly, someone had been there before me. I then decided to travel east, while just beginning on my journey, I saw two people heavily armed walk by, they didn’t seem hostile so I sneaked behind them. It took them a while before they noticed me, when they did I quickly responded that I’m not a walker, nor anyone who wanted them harm, I just wanted to be in their security, they kindly asked me to leave them alone, they where paranoid, and didn’t entirely trust me. I responded by saying I’m looking for a city by the name of Chernogorsk, they said they were heading the same way, and that I could follow them there, but then take my leave, I agreed. As promised, when we came close to Chernogorsk, I took my leave, and headed north. There I found a hospital some apartments and a factory. I saw some stairs leading upwards and thought it would provide a good place to look around, and find out where I’d head out next. While climbing up, I felt a horrible stench and a lot of flies flying around. While still climbing up, I found two bodies, one male and one female. They had a Revolver, a good backpack, some medical supplies, water bottles filled with water, an axe, matches, binoculars, a map over Chernarus, a skinning knife, a double barreled shotgun and ammo for all of the weapons. Now that I was well prepared, I felt I should head out to the hospital to get some additional medical supplies and head out into the wilderness. On my way to the Hospital though, I heard some cries of help from one of the apartments, I drew my gun and went into the apartment where the screams came from, and there I met a person who was shot in the stomach and bleeding out. I quickly bandaged him and gave him some blood I found on the two people earlier. He thanked me and told me his name “Lokan Schnaft”. I told him mine, which was “Joachim Cordatus”. We then went to the Hospital, where we found tons of blood bags, bandages and morphine. We didn’t take all, in case other people would need the supplies. We then decided to head out into the wilderness together, to find a safer place to stay. We travelled North, through forests, fields, while following roads and power cables, to know our whereabouts on our map. Schnaft, or Schnaftbuster as he liked referring himself as, had a lot of good supplies like myself, although he only had a M1911, and no other firearm, and I had a .44 magnum revolver and a double barreled shotgun. While travelling for a while in and out of forests and fields the sun set and it became really dark, but not long after we arrived at Mogilevka, a small inland village. First we thought we would sneak past the village and continue on, but it turned out both of us were quite hungry, and our food supply was running low. And so we sneaked into the village, going through buildings for food supplies, although sadly, our sneaking wasn’t good enough, and a couple of zombies spotted us and we were forced to shoot them down, this was a bad thing, a very bad thing indeed. My revolver was so loud, every zombie heard us and were running too us. We quickly ran into to the farm and inside a huge building used to keep animals inside, and prepared for the incoming horde of hostile zombies. Tens of tens of zombies poured in to the building we shooting down every one, getting quite the kill count. When the last zombie was shot, by me I want to add, we went out and could easily scavenge the rest of the village, now that all the zombies are dead. We found some food supplies and more ammo for our firearms, we didn’t find much else. We then started heading north again to find out safe haven. On our path not far from Mogilevka, I noticed some light flashing, I turned around, and far, far away I saw a person running with ten or twenty zombies after him, Schnaftbuster was a bit skeptical to this person and thought we should just carry on ignoring him. I disagreed and moved closer to the person. He didn’t see me, I noticed he didn’t have any firearms, or any weapons at all in fact. So I pulled out my .44 magnum and shot the chasing him, the rest of the zombies he had managed to shake off on a hill before I came close. I then asked him his name. he replied “Stephen”, I asked him if he had recently arrived at the island, he said he was, and that he was looking for his friends who he had lost in confusion, and was now heading to a military airport further north, to rendezvous with his friends, because that was where they were heading. I checked him for weapons and other things; he was clean, as he said. And I asked him to turn off the flashlight, because the light gives out our possession to others, people who might not be as kind as ourselves. We then continued north together, as we where both heading. At times we had trouble finding out where we were. But in the end we had tracked a bit west, and ended up in Rogovo. We passed around the city, and continued walking… As we went past Kabanino, lost were we where again… and moved around the place trying to find something that we could relate to on the map, eventually we came to a pond called Prud. At the time we were really tired, and so we collected some wood and we made a fire. I went hunting for an animal to eat, and they “kept the camp safe”… pfft, like hell they did, relaxing near the fire and all. While I was looking for an animal, it started raining, which sucked, A lot. Later on I found a sheep, which I shot, skinned and took the meat, to then head back to camp. When I returned the fire was big and the grass warm, we cooked the meat and ate it, had some drink and generally had a good time. After the fire went cold and we had rested well, we decided to help Stephen to getting to the airfield, because we didn’t want him to go unarmed, nor did we want to lend him a weapon, for then we would be less safe ourselves. On the map, we found out that the airfield was due west a couple of kilometers and so we headed out. As we walked we reached a wall, so we knew we were close to the airfield. We passed the wall and could see the airfield; the airstrip, the hangars and the control tower, but also a lot of zombies. We approached carefully not knowing what, or who we would encounter. As we got closer, twenty of thirty zombies charged us, because I accidently snapped a branch on the ground, we shot all of them down, but Schnaftbuster and I got injured, we managed to bandage ourselves up, and got some blood flowing through our veins again. We then headed into the hangars, looting a pistol and shotgun for Stephen, a M16A4 for me, and a AK47 for Schnaftbuster. When the entire airfield was searched for Stephens friends we had no luck, he feared for their wellbeing and even their lives, and decided he needs to depart to see if he can find them. We both agreed that if he did, or didn’t find them, but managed to stay alive; we would meet again at the pond were we where earlier. As Stephen departed, we decided to return to the pond, which was so gracious to us, it had all we were looking for, and we decided to return there. On our way, and with our horrible path finding skills, we again got lost, even though it was just going east continuously. But this was our luck, and not our loss. For on the way, we found a backie (a truck with a “back” (it’s a South African thing)). At first, Schnaftbuster was skeptical, thinking it could be a trap, I agreeded, but I didn’t want to take the risk of letting a perfectly well vehicle remain where it was. So we took out our automated weapons, and took a look around. As we did the coast was clear. Then we checked the car for bombs, which it did not have, then I went into the car and turned it on, the key was lying in its slot ready for use. And so we drove off to our pond. At arriving at the pond, we parked the car sort of stealthy. Made a camp ate some food and drink, then went to sleep.
  3. Omricon

    One day on Chernarus

    I was going to add some photos, but forgot, I'll add them now...edit: appearently I cannot... I will remove that part then...
  4. I had 200+ kills before I was killed (sniped in the head) for no appearent reason in a village getting some ammo, so I guess my goal is to survive without ever getting killed, and to kill players who kill for no reason what so ever, I mean, when I was killed, I wasn't even looted! I ran back and collected my stuff again, he killed me just to kill me, which annoys the hell out of me. So yes, my goal is to punish other players who are playing the wrong game...