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About stevenleonk

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  1. stevenleonk

    huge base at NWAF

    Me and a friend were camping the NW airfield and saw someone run into the barracks, and then someone checking tents. If your friends name was Tom we were the killers. PS : Your friend got wrecked bro.
  2. stevenleonk

    Server Admin Abuse on Atlanta 1799

    Yeah, I was banned aswel
  3. stevenleonk

    Vilayer get your crap together

    Vilayer still sucking lol, With all seriousness there support is terrible. I almost feel like its a side project for them. If you know what I mean, and the way they conduct themselves is so unprofessional.
  4. stevenleonk

    Ban Global

    Lol Him removing his photo from his profile made me laugh so hard.
  5. stevenleonk

    Too many locked/passworded servers

    There are already private hives, lol...
  6. stevenleonk

    Vilayer Hosting Issues

    Yeah, I am pretty annoyed they wouldn't send out a email saying update incoming or something.
  7. The ping shot up for 20-30 seconds, Its not like that constantly.
  8. I've been in a few vilayer servers aswell and they seem to be snyc issues aswell...
  9. I am pretty much at the point of where I agree with you...
  10. Now on my server everyone has 800-900 ping... edit : Still waiting for you to reply to my ticket.....--
  11. My server is constantly having desyncing...and I feel as if my ticket is being ignored. Normally its a fast response.
  12. TC admin is now broken again.
  13. I am also unable, to login to the control panel. I am also unable to login to the billing control panel.
  14. stevenleonk

    hfbservers side chat?

    From my understanding inorder to enable it, you would need to edit the mission file. Which is not allowed. Could end up getting your server blacklisted. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.