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Everything posted by jdblair5

  1. jdblair5

    I'm about to rip my hair out.

    PMC is an expansion pack. Private Military Company.
  2. What happen to "Battle Eye doesn't false positive" I seem to remember that as the "go to" whenever anyone appealed a ban before.
  3. Wait, Battle Eye made a mistake? Impossible!!! I refuse to believe it.
  4. jdblair5

    Having Odd Performance Issues

    It's not exclusive to DayZ. Or even online games. I noticed it when I was playing Company of Heroes, then I backed out did a malware scan and jumped in NBA 2K12 as it has a performance benchmark test. The problem persisted with that game also. I opened my case and blew it out, not much dust at all as my case has 8 fans and I have it in an open area, upon reboot thing seem fine. I am stumped as to why it happen, but computers can be weird like that. I just hope it isn't a preview to further issues.
  5. Skins in general that look decent would be nice. And frankly wearing one shouldn't influence how people react to each, skins should just add diversity to the game not channel the way its played. Take the horrible bandit "skin" for example. People shouldn't be forced to wear it, especially seeing how its fucking generic and lame as shit. Forced skins is bullshit. But having skins available that possibly represent your "character" is needed. So if you found a skin that some how represented a "medic" and you wanted to wear it, so be it. But I wouldn't expect any preferential treatment because of it.
  6. jdblair5

    My DayZ Theme Background

    looks nice man. whats the skinny on youtube and customization. Are you able to do that when you become a "partner"?
  7. man the bandit "skin" looks like shit.
  8. Well then I want a tank. Or a HIND, wouldn't mind some RPG's either. It isn't a matter of nitpicking. Frankly it's hard to remember what the balance of the game was like before all the duping and scripting, that clearly has thrown shit way out of perspective, but the truth is as it stands right now because of those issues and many others this game has turned into a MERC Military Sim and not much of a survival sim staged in a zombie post apocalyptic world. I don't see it as a matter of forcing people to play a certain way, removing certain items because other people cant adapt or any of that shit. I have a ghillie, and as50, and plenty of other shit. The point is these things, especially in there currently bountiful numbers, have changed the games presumed intent. If they are able to at some point do away with the hacking, and the duping ( neither of which I foresee happening) then maybe the addition of "uber" gear can be re-addressed, but as it stands now the game is more like Sniper Elite then it is anything else.
  9. I personally agree, ghillie suits are lame in this style of game IMO. Don't get me wrong, I think people would attempt to camouflage themselves as best as possible, but a military grade or style ghillie suit just never sat well with me in this mod. Neither do the high end military weapons. But again that's just me.
  10. jdblair5

    I just want help

    Do everyone a favor and stick your head in a blender.
  11. Looks like 4 on my monitor champ ;p
  12. jdblair5

    still not bored?

    I don't think you can ever get bored. 1000 hours of BF3, 1,000 hours on CSS, 1,000 posts on the forums. Your like a cat man, you stay entertained regardless.
  13. jdblair5

    DAFUQ is this?

    Thats the VR engine trying to handle lighting dynamics on mid-low level graphic settings.
  14. Im not surprised its going up, well I take that back, I am and I'm not at the same time. I don't know if it keeps track of dormant players, meaning I haven't logged on for 3 days and when I did moments ago my character was on day 7 as he was alive for 4 days previously. If that's taken into account, then yeah I am not surprised its going up, as more and more people are playing less and less for one reason or another. Not to mention the game has become easier in some regards, there is not more "rare" items or gear, 7/10 players I come across are decked out with elite gear and weapons that was intended to be rare, the other 3/10 are fresh spawns. So who knows what the reason or direct cause is, probably a combination of a few things.
  15. Kinda putting the cart before the horse a lil' here eh. How about we let good ole' Rocket hash out the issues with the MOD before we start talking about porting the "game" over to consoles... Just saying.
  16. There are numerous ESP hacks out there that Battle Eye hasn't and will likely never catch onto that provide detailed information on where everyone and everything is on the map.
  17. jdblair5

    US 1449

    Couple of guys down on the coast by Elektro spawning ammo crates. FYI. Didn't seem hostile, let me walk right about and watch them. About 8-10 crates they spawned, then they disappeared. I didn't take anything, just wanted to give the heads up to whomever admins the server so they can do whatever they need to do.
  18. jdblair5

    Would you play Dayz without Zombies?

    So then play Arma II PMC.
  19. Meh, I never paid attention to that number, think its a hit counter for the website to be honest, ( I know what its labeled) But either way I guess its a good marketing gimmick. But interesting enough, between Twitter and Facebook there are only 60k followers/likes. Not everyone is on those social networks or any, so I get that but DayZ's best buddy WarZ has 44k followers/likes and its not even playable yet. So I don't know. Take from it what you will.
  20. jdblair5

    I was banned on my Private Dayz Server

    your gonna have to buy another copy of Arma II for starters, and then I suggest disabling Battle Eye on your server. Thats about all anyone will or can do to help you so, take it or leave it.
  21. jdblair5

    I was banned on my Private Dayz Server

    well for one hackers are not really in favor, and private servers are not really supported. so, yeah...
  22. jdblair5

    I was banned on my Private Dayz Server

    welp you thought wrong.
  23. jdblair5

    I was banned on my Private Dayz Server

    ah no they can't. if he isn't connected to the hive IE a "private server" then his stats are not carried over into the main hive database.