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Everything posted by jdblair5

  1. jdblair5

    Waiting for host FIX (worked for me)

    Im not getting stuck on the Waiting for Host, I am connecting ( or so it seems) and getting stuck on the Loading Screen. The bar fills up, and for a brief moment I can hear ambient sounds and what sounds like a broken bone crunch and then nothing. Just sits there on loading screen for ever.
  2. Ok so a couple of days ago I downloaded beta patch 94444 and applied it, windows said it didnt install correctly ( I did install it as administrator) I then tried to run the game, ( with Steam running as administrator) when the game tries to launch a small window pops up saying "Error Creating Direct 3D Graphic Engine" So I ended up unistalling the all of the Arma games ( OA and the two DLC expansions) as it say before the beta patch the only way to uninstall the patch is to uninstall the entire game. I deleted all of the folders in my steam folder pertaining to Arma II and respective addons. I reinstalled all of the games. Ran both, worked fine. Downloaded the latest patch, installed in in the same manor expressed above, got the same error from windows " this may have not installed correctly" launched the game and same shit, "Error Creating Direct 3D Graphic Engine" This is obviously annoying, last week I was playing Dayz and Arma and everything was fine. For whatever reason these newer beta patches are causing me issues ( I assume) Any Help would be MUCH appreciated.
  3. Hey Tag, thanks for your condescending response. Why would I include the dayz mod extension in the launch tab options when I haven't even gotten as far as installing the Dayz mod? I understand the steps of installing days, as I stated I had it running before without any issue, the issue is the beta patch and once its installed I get that error, with or without dayz.