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About johnnie852

  • Rank
  1. johnnie852

    Banana Bandit Boyz - Recruiting

    Age:15 Experience:5 months What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...:Assualt Bio:I like trolling peopl and killing Why would you like to join: Want some people to play with cuase im kinda board now
  2. johnnie852


    There hacked in
  3. johnnie852

    Arma 2 CO: Won't Launch from Steam

    How do i fix this Error compiling pixelshader PSSpecularAlpha:0
  4. johnnie852

    Someone please help!!!

    Ive tried running everything as administrator but doesn't work.
  5. johnnie852

    Someone please help!!!

    It says i can run it, i played for like 3 weeks and it just started doing this.
  6. So every time i try running arma operation arrowhead i keep getting this error " Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0 " and ive tried looking at the forums and Google and none of them help, would appreciate if someone could help, thanks.
  7. johnnie852

    LF a small group of friends to roll with

    Ill join as well, my Skype is johnnie8522
  8. johnnie852

    Downgrade help??

    So where do i put them?
  9. johnnie852

    Downgrade help??

    I really wanna downgrade to to play on my server that i always play on and been searching around, but none of them tell me exactly what to do? Could anyone help???? Plz and thank you!
  10. johnnie852

    [AURA] Clan Recruiting New DayZ Members

    In Game Name: Johnnie Location: California, USA Steam name (If Available): Johnnie8522 Experience: 3 to 4 weeks Age:15 When Available: Mostly on all the time. Any additional information: Im mostly a sniper and assault, im mature and will always stay loyal to the group. Requirements 1)Must have mic and Ts3 2)Good Attitude 3)15+ 4)At least a weeks experience 5)Be able to work as a Team 6)Be Trustworthy
  11. johnnie852

    Need help with beat patch?

    Could anyone help?
  12. Could someone tell me how to unistall a beta patch so i could downgrade? thanks..
  13. johnnie852

    {PAF} Recruiting!

    I;; join, if you have any slots open, my Skype name is (johnnie8522).
  14. johnnie852

    Six launcher help please!!

    yes and yes