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About zaphod@thewizard.org

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Newcastle Upon Tyne
  1. zaphod@thewizard.org

    UK 25 UX boys.

    Edited: sorry in advance for the stupidly long post, I fail at message boards. The teamspeak is indeed passworded but the fact is that regulars on our server who show us that they are mature individuals are allowed on to use it and bring their friends on. They do sometimes join up with us and other times shoot at us, but because they act in a civil manor and don't go around spouting enough whine to drown France in we have no issues with them being on. On the logging in thing, even though in this instance I was not about, so what? that's the point off being in a clan or having friends. The game/mod as it is now holds very little interest for many of us other then looking for a fight and this fact won't change until they fix the tents, trucks and chopper and do a wipe of the hive. There are currently so many camps set-up by us and others on this server full of items that infinitely re spawn that we don't have a 'home camp' any more, there's no point as anything we need is littered everywhere right now, why gather in 1 location and make ourselves a target? You did, as Glanza pointed out, come across two old camps which have not been in use for several weeks due to them being compromised by a group of people who were caught hacking and caused us no ends of trouble for well over a week. We setup, used and left these places long before you showed up on the server so anything you found at them currently has nothing to do with UX. What people have done however is check these locations every now and then to see if anyone has started using them in the hopes of finding trouble. Now vehicles, unbeknown to VK I have a bike, its a very nice bike, requires no fuel and no matter how many tree's or rocks I ride into it never seems to break, I like my bike, its green! but this is the only mode of transport that UX currently has 'stashed' away, any other truck we find is generally used until it runs out of fuel or driven into a tree and then abandoned or blown up. This is because there is no point in having them as they don't save items and half the time don't even save location and I like blowing things up. We have tried so many times to fix the chopper for it to either de spawn after a restart or get deleted in mid-air by a hacker that we honestly don't bother with it any more, I have even stated many times on TS that if I catch any UX member attempting to fix it I will shoot them in the leg and steal their morphine. Honestly while I want more people on the server willing to put up a good fight, collect trucks for me to steal and blow up and raid camps (and hopefully when fixed clear out the tents on the server) I think if you find your current situation on the server undesirable that it would be best to find a new home... DayZ is nothing more then a PVP game/mod with a zombie themed logo and our server is no different. I would also suggest that, while my post does not help with this point, that we all just let this one lie, unless you have a legitimate complaint about rule breaking then simply disliking a way people play on their own server is not a cause for a thread. If you want to stay on our server then great, I look forward to more encounters with you, but please have a little perspective, we have several other clans playing on our server as well as plenty of other groups so not everything that happens to you is masterminded or carried out by UX. Regards,