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Everything posted by Kalibro

  1. Kalibro

    True, but if you don't loose your gear by fault of the game, you are almost guaranteed to die and loose it anyway sometime in the future....
  2. Kalibro

    From what I'm reading here there were issues with people logging in without gear, but after rocket transferred the characters over to the new ID system, it seems save. Haven't tested it myself as I'm not at home to do so. Will always be a risk being alpha and all :)
  3. Kalibro

    Try not to click on the download in the green bar, but rather click on the latest patch below "ARMA2_OA_Build_94876.zip" If that doesn't work, try to open it in a new tab (right click on the ARMA2_OA_Build_94876.zip link and click open in new tab)
  4. Kalibro

    "For those who "lost" their character, we just transferred 41177 characters over to the new ID system. Will load when current character dies" Source