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About iGolden

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  1. Hey guys :) I spent the past few days recording and editing episode 1 of my dayz mod survival :D It gets better towards the end where theres more action and shooting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-s7w8Gk1Xo&feature=plcp
  2. iGolden

    Broken Leg Madness o__o

    Haha thanks man :) Appreciate the feedback a lot :D
  3. iGolden

    Broken Leg Madness o__o

    Crap goes dooooowwwwnn D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD5TCJE9O18
  4. iGolden

    Bad performance

    Your system is too bad.
  5. iGolden

    TUTORIAL BY paulsoaresjr!!!

    Doesn't make a difference IMHO
  6. iGolden

    map shows enemy locations?

    Only on Regular when enemies are near you.
  7. iGolden

    Computer specs and FPS

    I suggest you upgrade your CPU and GPU first. I have a Quad Core 4ghz amd-fx4100 and a NVIDIA GTX 560 and I still get low FPS. http://www.hwcompare.com/11024/geforce-gt-310-vs-geforce-gtx-560/
  8. I don't kill unarmed people, they aren't a threat
  9. Title says it all. Whenever I play, I shoot on sight, it's too risky in this world. But when I do shoot someone, I feel extremely guilty, maybe they were just searching through garbage for food so they don't starve to death...
  10. If you've thought about getting a script or a hack, just don't. I did it myself, got myself all the gear I ever wanted, then when it came to PvP, I couldn't bring myself to shoot them, knowing all of my items were cheated, so I just hit re-spawn. On top of that I'm globally banned. I deserve it. I couldn't resist the urge to download a script because I suck at the game. Don't do it.