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Everything posted by Justin619

  1. 0:30 - no. 1:30 - i agree with the guy arguing with you. 2:30 - oh god no.
  2. what did i just read :huh:
  3. Justin619

    When can players play the zombies?

    why and how would this work..and why. <_<
  4. Justin619

    Simple but effective

    the solution you provided still would not fix the problem stated above :huh:
  5. Justin619

    Simple but effective

    no. this is dumb. leave as is. the idea of not knowing who is friendly or not is part of the paranoia this game brings. people need to stop making these posts about survivors and bandits. truth is, wer all survivors, just sometimes we want other peoples treasures.
  6. Justin619

    Anyone else done this?

    ill be watching. ;)
  7. Justin619

    Anyone else done this?

    well.. i sniped a guy in the middle of a pitch black night that was across a field.. with my nvgs. he had an ak with 5 mags and all i took from him is 1 can of sardines :|
  8. Justin619

    In tents....

    they might break some bones or eat you while next to them.. but tents need food too.
  9. Justin619

    Randomly Scripted Events Ideas

    i like the idea of random events.. helicopter crashes are.. kind of like that? in a way. because its random for ever server.. but anyhow, the games still in alpha and some of this might have to wait for arma 3
  10. Justin619

    All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

    if you hack too, youre not really "leveling the playing field" because hacks in this game mean instant kills.. so youre just adding to the problem..
  11. Justin619

    OMFG Rocket!!!

    you're all brainwashed. this is a government experiment.
  12. in game this would look kind of dumb.. think about this. youre running through a town or just happen to aggro lots of mobs, and while youre running, you will have infected running right behind you, and zombies lagging behind but still following. in game this would just look.. you know.. example -- i=infected/zombie x=you iiiii iiiii x oh and i wouldnt mind the running zombies we have now, as long as they didnt zig zag while running at you.. i mean seriously.. you cannot shoot them until theyre right in front of you and theyre still zig zagging.. they should run straight at you, or in a way you cant aim at them -.-
  13. Justin619


    i thought the same thing until i had to use one in an emergency. me and a friend were being shot up in elektro and we had already killed like 3 people, and there were MORE. we ran into a church trying to take cover and your friendly neighborhood bandit was just hanging out and starting shooting at us.. i killed him but my friend was bleeding, unconcious, and had like 2-3k blood. meanwhile. there were more people gonna move on us soon so the epi-pen was pretty helpful along with a blood pack so we could get out of there quick. i keep 1 or 2 on me. oh he also had broken bones.. so i basicaly used every medical item on him.. felt pretty good about it.
  14. Justin619

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    ill listen to this while i ride around on my bicycle :)
  15. Justin619

    what map do you use?

    ive always used dayzmap.info but this map is much better!
  16. Justin619

    Kid who aborted on US 303

  17. i used to disagree with shooting on sight unless it was nessecary.. but after being shot at and dying so many times, i guess im losing my humanity.. i came across a pair of night vision goggles from a shootout and i also happened to have a dmr with 5 mags.. its the middle of the night, pitch black, and you cant see anything in front of you.. so i was walking in a field with my new NVGs just north of stary, and i see a deer stand with about 9 zombies.. naturally, i assume another player is in the area, so i crouch down and scan the area. sure enough, i see a player crouched down around the deer stand and starting to crawl towards it.. this guy was defenseless in the middle of the night without any way of seeing me of course, he was zero threat. however, i still felt the need to kill him.. so i just took the shot.. and my inventory was full and everything.. i didnt need any supplies. i just.. wanted to kill him. he had an AK-74 with 5 mags and all this really good loot. all i took from him was 1 can of sardines :(
  18. Justin619

    The threats in this game no longer exist.

    i disagree.. i seem to attract lots of zombies sometimes even when trying to be quiet. in fact, me and my friend were pinned down in a house a few days ago, and about 30 zombies were charging through the door.. we didnt run through town attracing them either, 1 gun shot and all of them are swarming us.. we barely survived.. also players a huge threat.. and earlier, it was night and raining. my temperature dropped to like 27.. i couldnt aim at all and had to warm up.
  19. valuable lessons?.. what lesson is this? dont ever go to elektro? pretty sure theyre just having fun killing everyone they see.
  20. Justin619

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    people that rob people like this only do it because its hilarious.. for example read the chat in that video. people still do it for fun.. but really if someone wants your loot, theyll kill you.
  21. why do people keep making posts about negative effects for bandits. it shouldnt have any negative effects whatsoever, and people who dont kill players shouldnt have any advantages. pvp is part of the game. it shouldnt be discouraged. *rant* >:(
  22. Justin619

    Day Z Urban Legends

    what screenshot????