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About Justin619

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Name- Colley Location- United States GUID- 086d6494350b5ae020ae7131f5943408 Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10- im coming back to dayz after a long break and im looking for a server for me and my friend to play on!
  2. Justin619

    How did you kill your first victim?

    with a hatchet. it was in the elektro hospital. he tried to kill me with an enfield but couldnt aim well inside the building i guess..
  3. well. for blood bags you gata take the risk of looting a hospital in a city. pretty dangerous. also, epi pens are for being unconscience. how could you use it on yourself while knocked out. absurd.
  4. Justin619

    Made fun of my age, dead in seconds.

    chill the fuck out. its not like he went on a rant about them talking about his age. if i came across people in dayz and they were insulting me then id kill them too. it makes a funny story to share. how the fuck is he immature and shit just for killing some people? also im sure everyone and their friends insult eachother. just because this guy doesnt like being taunted doesnt make him any less mature than you are.
  5. Justin619

    Far Cry 2 idea - YOU WILL HATE ME

    i thought about that for a minute and thought to myself thats dumb because guns rarely jam. and for some reason this reminded me of agent kellerman trying to commit suicide in prison break when his gun jammed. conclusion = prison break is a good show. you guys should watch.
  6. there are no girls on the internet.
  7. how could someone who thinks this is a good idea have the intelligence to download this mod? i dont understand why everyone wants training wheels in this game. if you dont have a gun yet then you probably dont have much to lose anyway. stop being a little bitch on the forum and go try to find a gun. seriously its like "i dont want to die, so ill make a suggestion on the forums where people cant kill me" *rant*
  8. if a bad bandit is hated for KoS, but people consider a "good bandit" a bandit who doesnt kill you, but makes you drop stuff or takes you hostage, and says this is the way people should be, then should the survivor be hated also if he turns around and kills the person who made him drop his stuff but didnt KoS? of course even if the survivor isnt a KoS kind of person, if given the chance, he WOULD conteplate killing this guy and would find it neccesary. if you compare this to the bandit killing him on sight, wouldnt it be found neccesary to kill this man on sight if he had to engage the survivor in some way?
  9. Justin619

    Ultimate holdup!

    was low of you to shoot him. even if you did give him morphine you could have put him on low blood
  10. Justin619

    How big of a dick am I?

    not bandit campfire. but general discussion is stories too!
  11. Justin619

    Neutral zone

  12. Justin619

    Would you have dc'ed

  13. Justin619

    The War Z - Copycat of DayZ announced.

    i like the idea and will definately try it out.
  14. Justin619

    what exactly is end game in dayz?

    lol dafuq? i believe i said this isnt a rant thread.
  15. Justin619

    Destroying Friendships

    one word. FRAPS