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Everything posted by merrfack

  1. merrfack

    Stuck in cherno with 1400 blood

    If you had more post I would consider it, But i've been screwed before doing that. Let me see if some of my squad are on
  2. merrfack

    Hi-res Texture Replacement

    Idk if it would help, but the ACE mod improves graphics and sounds ect. Makes it more realistic. I used it in Arma2:OA.
  3. merrfack

    Servers with regular restarts?

    Thanks for the info! On respawning vehicles
  4. merrfack

    rocket launcher

    it's a paper weight. But grats on the find
  5. merrfack

    More explosives....

    I'd like to see more explosives.... land mines, claymores, maybe wire trip mines (or the ability to wire tie to a grenade pin and place it in a doorway), maybe some bouncing betties. That is all.
  6. merrfack

    Servers with regular restarts?

    I don't think restarts respawn vehicles. There on timers once there destroyed or out in the woods in someone camp saved
  7. merrfack

    I was banned - for what?

    ^ What smasht said
  8. merrfack

    More explosives....

    I agree, but look at some of the weapons in the game. Those would be harder to find than a piece of wire and a grenade more than likely. It's just an idea.
  9. merrfack


    I think your going to need a medic, a white listed medic.
  10. merrfack

    A few things the game is missing.

    There are police zed's. But I see your ideas
  11. merrfack

    Kills at Chern - Sniper AS50 !

    miss much?
  12. merrfack

    Soldier Clothing...

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there soldier clothing when DayZ first came out, but had been removed a LONG time ago
  13. merrfack

    Player Status

    I think it would be cool to have more skins. I know rocket has addressed that. They should make some different pieces of clothing unlockable by achievments. Nothing that gives major benefits though, just cosmetic looks
  14. merrfack

    Infamous Outcasts are recruiting!

    Are yall bandits? survivors? helpers? or a mix?
  15. merrfack

    DayZ Water Bug Demonstration

    it's a MerrMan
  16. merrfack

    Some Dayz shit up

    The driving rants made me laugh, been there and done all that.
  17. Well I bought arma2:oa because I have been playing ARMA for years. So the game was free to me in a way. But either way, I'm looking forward to stand alone, super excited.
  18. merrfack

    I'm done.

  19. merrfack

    I picked up dew then died.

    The Dew Gods Are Unhappy With You!!
  20. merrfack

    No map in the standalone?

    I'm not for or against the maps. I just know once someone learns the map, they will create one and then it would be up to you to use it or not, and if you choose to use, you have a slight advantage.
  21. merrfack

    No map in the standalone?

    Maps are pretty commonly found in the real world... every stop and go store has them for starters
  22. merrfack

    Cheater caught on DE 2339

    Rocket already said weapons produced in the game (hacked in) are fair game, so innocent people that "don't know" the weapons are not supposed to be in the game won't get banned.