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Everything posted by merrfack

  1. merrfack

    No Weapon respawn

    bootcamp solves the problem..... learn the game
  2. merrfack

    Ideas for game play

    Yup, when I work my butt of trying to sneak into somewhere, and then the place is blocked by barbwire... its just demotivating.
  3. merrfack

    Ideas for game play

    Good post, I appreciate the points you made. The fog of war idea you mentioned makes total sense. Making people push forward is a good way to put it. And I agree on the barbwire, sometimes i can manage to get over it, but it just needs to be easier to remove or easier to destroy it. I never carry the stuff personally.
  4. merrfack

    Your first death!

    Suicide "respawned".... low health everything was gray and shaking. I was passing out about every 30-50 yards. Didn't know much about the game or what I needed to be doing. Decided it would be easier to learn if I could actually do things.
  5. I learned how to run a 5K by not spawning with a gun, what's not to like about that? That being said, I think it would take some of the starting out intensity out of the game. A bandage and pain pills is enough for me.