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mt roger

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About mt roger

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. mt  roger


    Maybe you should lay off the resin and stick to the green. I have the hero skin, and 95883. Connecting to servers with the same version resets my stats EVERY time(due to the skin). Also I've been teled to the coast upon log in 4 times now(every time I was way north before log out). Care to explain that? ;)
  2. mt  roger

    Everyone Died 'BattleEye'

    The deaths have nothing to do with BE. "Hackers" can display any message they want to everyone on the server. I don't need to be a mod to tell you this(or any of the other things you stated) Once I got a message that read " Would you know me if you saw me in heaven" was promptly lifted into the air, teleported to kamenka and dropped. Message was in the center of my screen, not in the chat window.
  3. mt  roger

    speed art | wp DayZ HD

    Fucking DECENT!
  4. They shouldn't be banned at all Polli. The majority of people that come in a read this thread will think you're the one at fault here. You hoarding vehicles is fine with me, banning people that take said vehicles and destroy them so they respawn is UNACCEPTABLE. You're abusing the privilege of having a server. Undo the 7 day ban. Also, how the hell is this anti social?(those vehicles respawn so other players might have the chance to find them) You are in fact the one who is being anti social, hoarding all them wheels.(again I don't have a problem with that, just your crap admin ways)
  5. No shit?!?!?! Hacked weapons aren't listed on the wiki? Go fucking figure.........
  6. mt  roger


    I would like to see a distance traveled.
  7. Thanks Buffjesus, that pretty much explains the no name player in the server too.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VIZEmSdpXo ?
  9. This right here. Remember this too: You may think all the foliage on the hill you're prone in gives you an advantage, this is a false sense of security. Someone with terrain detail on low sees you on a bare hill from 150+ meters away.(This is without the use of sniper scopes and binoculars. Once zoomed in they will see all the grass and whatnot)
  10. As far as "seeing you through the trees" goes, seems tags are turned on in that server... at the :42 mark you're doing the same thing....
  11. Where did you find the G. suit?
  12. mt  roger

    Bug or hack?
