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About nas7ybuttler

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. That's what you get for dup'ing L85A2s. I feel no sympathy
  2. nas7ybuttler

    Randomly Scripted Events Ideas

    I definitely like the zombie hoard idea. How f'ing scary would it be to be looting the supermarket, getting ready to sneak out of the city, only to turn the corner and see your planned exfiltration route blocked by a hoard of zombies. Not thrilled with the supply drop idea though.
  3. nas7ybuttler

    The life of four thread

  4. Did it not make it over after the forum switch? I did a couple searches in the new forum and it didn't turn anything up. I loved reading the updates, and learned quite a bit. If you are the original author, would you please consider continuing your updates? Thanks!