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About Capco

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  1. Capco

    Seeking satchel charge....

    Lol it's a good offer
  2. Capco

    Heli not respawning?

    From the wiki: UH-1H Huey and new Versions Just outside the cattle shed on the west side of Staroye. (GR:?) Northern end of Solnichniy. (GR:?) At the north part of Skalisty Island next to a house. (GR:133121) Skalka Hill (GR:021025) Inside hanger at NEAF Please Note: As of update the spawn locations for Hueys have been changed and only one Huey will spawn on each server.
  3. Don't quote me on this, but I believe that the reason loot/zombies won't spawn when driving through a town in a vehicle is because you enter the town too fast for the server to spawn them before you arrive. As for the vehicles, I believe they are set to spawn on a timer. From the wiki: "If a vehicle is unused, bugged or left, it will respawn after a minimum of 7 days" I have no idea if there is a % chance of them spawning every so many hours after those 7 days, or if they just always spawn exactly 168 hours after the originally spawned vehicle. However, the word minimum implies there is some sort of % chance for them to spawn after a certain amount of time has passed the 7 day minimum. To answer your question, unclaimed/broken vehicles should be spawned regardless if you are near them or not. This is why people can server hop at the chopper spawns until they find one they can fix, for example.
  4. Capco

    End Game / Nothing to do

    I travel Chernarus with a clan and tbh we have run into the same problem. We get together, load up on food/water/fuel/ammo, hop in one of our many vehicles and then we say "ok, where to now?" to which someone responds "idk." Lootwise we have everything we ever wanted. Each time on of us dies we can always just pick them up and take them to their body before it despawns so loot loss is basically never an issue except for clothing. I'm starting to think that becoming a Whitelisted medic might be a good idea. At least we would know where to go and what to do.
  5. The audacity of hackers knows no bounds.
  6. Capco

    uh... battle eye?

    Just now getting kicked everywhere I go for #90 or #98. That happens or I am just stuck at Loading with the white bar underneath.
  7. Same thing happened to my clan this morning. We have a camp hidden away with several vehicles as part of our collection. Although we had more at one point, last night we had the V3S, an off-road pickup truck, an S1203 van, a tractor, and a bicycle. When our members came on this morning, they were shocked to find none of our vehicles there. The strange part, however, was that some of our vehicles had been replaced. Specifically, the V3S was transformed into a bus, and the off-road truck was transformed into a dirt bike. These two new vehicles were literally in the exact same spots that the previous ones were. Exactly. Additionally, all of our collected gear was no longer there. However, we decided to check one of our old camp spots (we are nomads and frequently move our camp) and we found all our vehicles there, in the exact same condition as yesterday morning or 2 nights ago (including the gear). So now we have a bus and motorcycle to add to our collection at least. The saddest part, then, was the unfortunate luck of having almost 2 days worth of loot disappear :(
  8. This is textbook trolling. Wonderful form. 10/10
  9. It could have been there already for 5-6 days if someone saved the wreckage after it was destroyed and before the next server restart.
  10. You might have joined servers that haven't updated yet.
  11. Spawning on the coast can be avoided if you Alt-F4 (or Alt-Tab out and close Arma II OA on the toolbar) quickly enough. Like as soon as you die. When you reconnect, you should spawn exactly where you were :D This has worked for me several times already.
  12. That's not cool if everyone can do that regularly without hacks... :(
  13. Capco

    New Hack/Script/Exploit??

    Sounds like coincidence
  14. Capco

    Regarding the Bandit skin

    Wait, I thought the bandit skin was removed? And what's this humanity? Was that the scary looking green face above the thermometer?