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Everything posted by Dagyr

  1. http://www.merriam-w...tionary/caliber It can be spelled as either. OFF TOPIC: I've actually read some interesting articles about businesses not hiring English speakers in some regions (S. Korea was one of them, off the top of my head, and this case study examined English teachers and their accents) because they didn't have an American accent (specifically, the "accent-less American dialect of the Midwest).
  2. Dagyr

    Can't enter cars

    Have you tried reinstalling DayZ/Arma2 or verifying file integrity?
  3. Dagyr

    Can't enter cars

    Just curious because I hate people that do this kind of thing, but which is it? You know zombies are AI too right? Not to mention that I don't think it's fair that you're treating the people trying to help you like crap. Try a different server in order to isolate variables.
  4. Dagyr

    Why do you chose Dayz over Origins

    I've been playing DayZ vanilla since July 2012, and I've put in about 100 hours into Origins with a group of two others, and the only bug we've ever encountered that isn't in normal DayZ is one script restriction when on of my friends exited the Scrap APC and got kicked, but he got right back on and no problem. Of course we've all broken our legs once or twice by walking through a doorway at the same time as someone else, or diving at a wall too close by accident, etc. But nothing that doesn't happen just as often in the normal game. I honestly have to disagree with you about the skins thing. Origins diversity of character skins makes the game a bit more immersive instead of going "Oh hey look, my two friends are dressed in the exact same clothes that I am. That's cool.... oh and hey look those two other guys shooting at us are dressed the same too!"
  5. Dagyr

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 DaveAzoicer Really friendly, smooth trade, and some nice advice to match. Thanks a ton.
  6. As many as you see fit, I'll trust you to make a fair assessment. :) The GPS isn't too valuable to me, more of a convenience thing I suppose.
  7. Dagyr

    Wanted, M4A3 cco, ghillie/Camo suit, NVG

    What combination there would I get that includes antibiotics for an M4A3 CCO + a few mags? If it'd be possible, the L85 HOLO + Antibio would be amazing. Could throw in a GPS if it meant that + more antibios or however you see fit.
  8. Dagyr

    Assassin's Little Shop Of Horrors (Anti-Biotics store)

    Any chance at trading some for a GPS, 2x M249 (200) belts, and 5 SVD Camo mags?
  9. Name: Dagyr Condition: Low blood/infected Location: Roughly 2km West of Berenzino Description: Had an encounter with two bandits by the supermarket, ended up escaping (after taking one out, unfortunately it was the one without bandit clothing yet, so of course I'd pick up bandit outfit ~_~) but took a few too many zombie hits on the way out. Walked for a few kilometers before realizing I was infected and am now passing out regularly. Currently wearing (unfortunately) bandit clothes + an m4a3 CCO.
  10. Any chance at getting some Antibiotics for any assortment of the following: 5x SVD Clips 2x M249 (200) belts GPS Or add in an M4A3 CCO in trade for a gun thats slightly lower in demand :)
  11. I'm just recently coming back to playing public hives and have managed to set up a little camp. I remember that you used to not be able to place things inside a tent until after the server restarted once or else they would disappear, is it still that way? Or am I safe to put items into the tent right now?