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  1. Mushee


    Vort3x i defo agree with you i like that idea. The more you do/use something should increase your skills in doing so. This is a realistic simulator as eveyone says and i mean thats how it goes IRL. So i dont really see something like this really impacting to hard on the game. I mean how it is now you die and you lose your gun,gear,food etc. if you have a camp hidden away with goodies basicly your right back to where you were. But if you were to say reload 30 times have the sliglty faster reaload time and you die you cant instantly go abck and get it again its something that again needs to take time to develop so there is more of a penality to being killed. Edit: Or reason to stay alive.
  2. Mushee


    Maybe i should of called the post "Rewards for staying alive" lol
  3. Mushee


    Cheers whattteva. Would you suggest anything if a system like this was implemented?
  4. Mushee


    I agree with what your saying there and i love the current state of the game because it reqires that little more more skill then most other games out there. If you get into a bad spot in game like pissed of to many zombies stalked by a player random car driving past honking there horn break your legs bleeding need food its all random and adds to the fun of the game. And i love that about dayZ but if you just got that little bit of an extra reward nothing super game changing and over powered i just think it could add something extra in the goal of stay alive and acheiveing somthing more.
  5. Mushee


    Trolls dont phase me at all. But if you do disagree with my idea which is only an ideait would be nice to get a reply with reasons to why you dislike or wouldnt want it in the game.
  6. Mushee


    I agree some of the ideas were a but crazy. But i mean if the choices you were able to make were just a fraction better then what you start off with it kinda just gives that little extra of a reward for staying alive.
  7. Mushee


    Well with the blood transfusion idea maybe if you were to have like a medical table in a medical area like the military camp/hospital. You set up te blood bag which takes time like making a camp fire it's also not instant like when anther player does it it kind of heals you while your vanrable laying down on the table.
  8. Mushee


    @Somepants didn't think about it like that XD
  9. Mushee


    Yeah I understand just an idea. Maybe not call it like a level up system more of an understanding your environment experience the longer your alive. I mean people that go to war right out of boot camp understand things and improve there battle skills the longer there out there. Like if dayz was to happen in real life I'm sure people would be more skilled a year after the infection then like a week after infection. Just an idea :)
  10. Mushee


    I don't even know if it's possible to do but I was thinking the other day that I don't often have many zombie kills. And a lot of people just run through a building to avoid using ammo so they don't need to kill anything. So here is my idea. If you say killed 100 zombies you get like a stat point or like exp. which can be spent on minor changes to your character. Here are a few ideas I have add more if you like. 1.Faster reload 2.slightly faster sprint 3.13k blood 4. If killer by player and you have a special type of bade in your bag it blows it up when opened. 5.bigger vault to get over barbed wire and such. 6.jerry cans hold more fuel. 7.makes the fog say 1km further. 8.can use a blood bag on yourself. 9.check back for booby trap so there is a counter to the exploding backpacks. Just some ideas and of course if you die you lose any enhancements you earned. So this kind of makes people get into the zbue killing a bit more once your geared up so you have more choices end game. I'm a bit of a loner when it comes to dayz don't play with others help people out sometimes and I'm not a player killer unless I'm being shot at. And don't ever cry if I'm killed by one because it's part of the game. Also no I don't want it to be like COD :P