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  1. Same problem, server browser is empty.
  2. janka08@inbox.lv

    Make more guns!

    I'd kill for moisin nagant or PPSH. Hopefully they'll be included in standalone. :rolleyes:
  3. Wow looks awesome, can't wait to try it out.
  4. Cool, that is exactly what I was hoping for, have some beans. B) :beans:
  5. I don't want to sound like a dick but this patch sucks. Balaclava is broken, it disappeared on my pre patch char after some time and was back there when I re logged and after I died I spawned with it even though my humanity was at 0. Another thing I noticed is that balaclava makes your backpack invisible which is an unfair advantage. The graphical artifacts are still present, at least I can temporary disable them by pressing esc then forcing arma 2 into windowed mode and then back to full screen which fixes the issue for some time. So all in all it seems like some half baked patch <_<
  6. janka08@inbox.lv

    DMR or M107

    Yes I do care, I posted a link to dayz wiki to prove my point and if you don't like it then it's your problem. I have yet to see that DMR attracts less zeds than AS50, but than again I usually don't fire sniper rifles in the middle of a town so I might be wrong.
  7. janka08@inbox.lv

    DMR or M107

  8. janka08@inbox.lv

    DMR or M107

    I personally prefer AS50, it has more stopping power and is quieter than DMR plus it's great at disabling vehicles. If it's night time in the server and I have nvg's then of course I would use DMR since it's the only sniper rifle compatible with nvg's though my favorite sniper rifle in dayz is SVD. :)
  9. Update might not be released for quite some time because Rocket seems to be using valve time now. The pending update thread was supposedly closed for one hour and that was two days ago. <_<
  10. A group of 2 hackers just killed me and my friend just 20 minutes ago. We were in our camp when suddenly they telepored behind us and killed us. The server it happened on is DE 627 and the ingame name of the hacker is Roczeck, didn't see the other guys name.
  11. janka08@inbox.lv

    Graphical Issues

    The bodies you are referring to are not military zombies, they are dead solider npc's and yes I have the same problem. It is totally unplayable in places where these dead bodies are. :(
  12. The new patch fucked up the barbedwire even more then it already was, now I have to avoid areas that have it cuz the stupid graphics bug is totaly blocking my view. It was bad before but at least I could see, now it's totaly fubar.
  13. I suppose all we can do is wait for the upcoming DayZ patch and hope that it fixes the problem!
  14. OMG read the previous posts before posting the same BS others have already!
  15. No man, I play on European servers and still experience the same fps drops, so it has nothing to do with Australian servers.