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About gantonski

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. OP, i dont understand how you can say any of what you said.. "voluntary programmers from the very talented community" .... so many risks in that alone that i dont feel its important to try and debate anything else youve said. If you think its really a good idea, and arent just ranting, maybe you should reply with some kind of game plan full of good ideas and solutions..
  2. gantonski

    Remove the Murder/Bandit Kill count

    its not about rockets concerns dickwad, its about what people devote their endgame towards. OP has a really good point and its literally a sentence long. I'm not even a hardcore gamer (aka a virgin who claims hes pro) but even i care WAY too much about my kills.. as i shoot some guy and he drops, i no longer look at him i look and watch my kill count rise, periodically making sure im still aiming SOMEWHERE around his body. the whole debug menu should be removed imo. if you want to keep track of kills they should introduce a journal/diary.. which might not be such a bad idea for those of you wanting to compare epeens.
  3. gantonski

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    this thread is awesome!
  4. is it me or is the (rocket) part of the title misleading?
  5. gantonski

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    *dictionary, nice attempt at vocabulary, though, kid.
  6. gantonski

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    people call themselves bandits because once they get enough murders, rocket sees it necessary to flag them as such.. so when i kill X amount of people and then get murdered that means someone killed a bandit... me, a bandit.. only fucking morons look up definitions and post them acting like we need to use websters version of the word. What about saying something is 'tight' or 'sick' or fuckin SWAG or half of the other words used in pop culture. games arent an exception... the only non-dogshit part about your post is the last part where you suggest renaming the word bandit to something else... unfortunately for you, my very important opinion was made during the 'first impression' phase (which was looking at that stupid dildo screenshot you took)
  7. this is my problem with it. it makes me want to hack weapons into the game so that my hours spent arent wasted by the click of someone who died in the process of trying to snipe a new-spawn in elektro.. .... we'll see what happens.. either way, i have confidence that the standalone (and by confidence i mean high hopes) will be much better. its unfortunate that i easily get sucked into games, and this makes me upset that i cant help but to keep playing a game that is broken (yeah its broken because its not working as intended so long as people keep thunderdome, teleport, or one click mass kill)....
  8. gantonski

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    does this count???
  9. i'm not pro at flowcharts okay.. but i just read this whole thread and couldnt believe how dense people were being. i've attached an image with what i think is only the general sense of what i think sol is trying to say. because its general, people may continue to shit on the ideas he's trying to discuss. maybe even shit on me.. but infographics are a good way to make people shut up, since it seems to be the least CONFUSING (though, still pretty general in this case).. anyways, hopefully this helps. i support you, sol! ~gantonski
  10. gantonski

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    i had something.. but my image uploads fail.. so.. too bad, friends.
  11. gantonski

    5 People squad - 2 needed

    skype: gantonski
  12. us 1526 hosted by derp i log in and it was like one of those CS:S maps that are symmetrical.. so heres my question.. 1. is this a new thing? 2. why isnt it labeled in the title anywhere that its the gayest game type in the world, so that i can avoid dying in it? basically a msg pops up int the middle and says weapons are in ammo crates, last person who lives wins.... then its just very loose butthole from then on out.
  13. gantonski

    Loading takes too long

    lol maybe you're not whining but whatever it is you're doing is equally as annoying, so maybe gtfo?
  14. gantonski

    Weapon nerfs? I dont see it..

    im on 1.62.95417 with DayZ - still, played all day like a loser, one shot kill. most my shots are headshots but even then it might take two shots at most at further range.
  15. i use DayZCommander and it seems like it bases the time of the server off the information provided in the server name, except its not always right. is this a bug, or just an admin's decision yet to be updated? thank you.