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About t-blade@bladeinc.be

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. t-blade@bladeinc.be

    Range finding with mil dots

    The AS50 is NOT bugged, u simply need to zoom to the max. however, what most people don't know is that to zoom with the AS50, AND i think the L85 aswell u need to zoom with numpad + for some reason. This will put you to max zoom and make those calculations accurate
  2. t-blade@bladeinc.be

    UH-H1 question (no, not another where and how many)

    No u cannot, and even better, the Co-pilot has absolutly no control if something is to happen to the pilot. so if anything hapens to your pilot (d/c, desync, lag, killed) ur chopper and everyone in it will die
  3. So as topic described this is about the AH-H1 chopper. We had found ours and fixed it all up and had a good 2 days of fun with it. The 2nd day, sadly our pilots neighbourhood had an internet crash. and as u cannot swap to pilots seat, it went to auto hover to slowly start its crashing decent. I decided to try and bail out as the chopper made an upwards forward move (the only way to get safly out and not die). as i parachuted, the chopper decided to bank my way and kill me. Ofc the chopper must have crashed. Best case it might have stood on the ground safly (wishfull thinking) As i was the only one flying with our pilot at that time and we were about to land near berizino (no zombies in town so noone was there) i guess when i died it sortof unloaded anything going on there. We have scouted for about 1 hour after that (pilot got back online 5 min after) to find our wreck or anything to identify what happened to it. Nowhere to be found. we checked a 1k radius of last known location. I found my own corpse so i know where things went haywire. We check last known landing positions, last know saved position and asked admin for a server restart. The chopper remains to be unfound and a mistery. Now i was wondering, what happens to it now? Do we wait the 7 day respawn timer? what the respawn timer for a destroyed AH-H1 and when is it being triggered. For all i know, maybe it spawns somewhere else few hours after its been destroyed. I play on the same server every day with group members and we have not seen / heard any other chopper so noone stole or found it meanwhile. Also, what happens to a bicicle thats been driven into the ocean? :P
  4. t-blade@bladeinc.be

    A tale of the stupid vehicles...

    Admins cannot reset vehicles, admins can reset the server and thats about it. if someone were to steal all vehciles from an admins camp, then the admin can't do shit about it. There have been issue's with vehicles loading in from time to time, and ofc there are always hackers. So far we have had no vehicle issue's xcept the UH-H1 but bout to make a threat about that. all cars have always been loaded in succesfully, at their left off positions. If a car happens to be missing, and u don't see it dissapear as u described, make sure its is stolen. Remember; NOWHERE on the map is safe ! people will find your camp and vehicles, its only a matter of time.
  5. t-blade@bladeinc.be

    Need help to understand car item logic

    50 Items means 50 ITEMS, their slots are not calculated. meaning u can have 50 weels in there ( eventough they take up 6 inventroy slots) 10 weapons is a harder one, Its is weapon and tool slots. ex: 10 AK-74's can be stored, or, any combination of this: weapon + binocs + gps + nightvision+ rangefinders+ matches + hatchet etc ... everything going into your toolbar + binocs, rangefinder and NV's count as weapon slots. Backpacks means u can store those (even with items in it!) when server restarts, u will loose EVERYHTHING stored INSIDE the backpack tough. u will not loose the backpack. VERY important: do not forget to SAVE your vehicle with the desired items. If u do not save the vehicle, items may dissapear. Also there are some bugs still with tents/vehicles not saving corretly or not at all. but as far as i know, vehicles have been saver to store then tents atm. Hope this helps u a bit
  6. t-blade@bladeinc.be

    Can buildings colapse?

    u can perfectly blow up buildings with satchel charges, not all buildings, but most. those charges are LEGIT and can be found in barracks at a very rare rate.
  7. t-blade@bladeinc.be

    UH-1H Takes A LOT of Fuel

    Not to mention, If duping wasn't in the game, and there were database wipes all the time to prevent it, There is a high chance the over 1mil ID's on tents wouldn't have been found! Alpha stage is for adding in all the stuff u want for the game, Beta is getting away all the errors, bugs, hacks, dupes.
  8. t-blade@bladeinc.be

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Friends of mine joined the server we play on, had to reselect male/female and lost his char, another spawned in debug forest, and the last one spawned in a different location on a different char. I'll wait with logging a bit Just got back to our camp after trying for 3 days to get there..