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Suzie (DayZ)

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About Suzie (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Hmm I should look that up when I'm back home then. I didn't really pick a specific font for the header actually :P
  2. @BlackDalia: You are complaining as if I'm the one saying "OMG why is everyone going offtopic over my avatar?!?!?!" but in fact, I have in all my posts not given a single crap about the trollers and/or offtopic-posters. Apart from that a forum profile is not like a passport where you need to use your own picture. Which brings me to the next point: Who are you to decide wether or not someone can use a certain picture as an avatar? Now to get back on topic: After last night's server maintenance some things got updated/improved: - General server stability improved, players should experience less (hardly any) lagspikes now. - Decreased the interval of HIVE backups - Improved the server restart function. If, for any reason the server crashes, it will be restarted within a minute. - Increased the server memory so our DayZ servers can handle more players.
  3. Suzie (DayZ)

    Best and Worst Spots to Abort/Log-Out

    You mean one of those Shazzam! moments where you log in and get a sniperbullet to the face? Yeah, priceless. I tend to abort/logout in areas where a load of items spawn (markets, offices etc)
  4. I picked MyBB on purpose. From all the forums I've used, MyBB offers the nicest and easiest customization. And I think we can all agree that it's usually the visual part of a website that makes people stay or leave ;) As you've noticed everything is quite new so, logically, I take on all the help I can get. Also, like you said, one of the plus-points of Private HIVEs is that it gives us full control over everything, including the bans. We won't need to justify our bans towards the DayZ team, because it is not a 'global' ban across the official DayZ Hive.
  5. You have a valid point, that's for sure. And ofcourse something that has crossed our minds many times. But as one of our admins told me a few days ago: "Most hackers these days are 'leeching' hacks off forums and will most likely not try to bypass al kind of stuff if they can just move to another server and hack easier.." This is one of the reasons why we are trying to make sure there are enough serveradmins available to keep watch of the server, not only from the console-side but from ingame as well. Our thoughts on hacking in general are: "Hackers will never be stopped. But we can do whatever we can to make it as hard as possible for them to do it."
  6. Suzie (DayZ)

    Suzie's DayZ Community (Large scaled DayZ Group)

    Please quote the post where I said it was me in the profile pic.
  7. Suzie (DayZ)

    Suzie's DayZ Community (Large scaled DayZ Group)

    Yay an ontopic post! :) Alright in short this is what we are aiming for: We intend to provide servers where security and fun is our main priority. We have several serveradmins with full serveraccess in order to check whatever serverlogs etc needed to see what's going on on every single server we run. All our servers will have the long-lost Sidechat available. The community itself basically serves as a hub for players to connect to eachother outside of the game where they can build up groups, teams or whatever u like to call it. We want to stimulate players to group up and enjoy DayZ to the max with a group of buddies. However, we do not want to get rid of the PVP that exists within DayZ. Because we run on our own HIVE we can, if necessary, recover lost characters and/or items to players that got hit by a scripter, for example. As for the 'extras' we intend to bring to the players: Eventually we are going to host Weekly events that vary from scavenger hunts to zombie hunting. Ofcourse these events come with the necessary prizes, not only ingame but on the community itself as well. We guarantee the upkeep of our servers. We will not ever request our players to help us out with paying for the dedicated box on which our servers are hosted. We are capable of providing the necessary hardware ourselves, giving us the ability to ensure a long-term-based community. So I guess in the end you could say the keywords of this community are: Security, Fun and Socialism
  8. Suzie (DayZ)

    Suzie's DayZ Community (Large scaled DayZ Group)

    Thank you, I guess.
  9. Suzie (DayZ)

    Suzie's DayZ Community (Large scaled DayZ Group)

    ._. I vote for a minimum age of 20 for this forum.
  10. Yes i figured out a bit later that I started advertising my servers and my community at the same time. But no worries, i'm not the kinda user that advertises servers in every forum section and bumps it 10 times a day :P
  11. As far as I know I only have 1 thread advertising this server...unless there's a veeeeeeeeeeery old thread out there somewhere... With "Admins that fight hackers" i mean that our admins actually look into what hackers are doing, what methods they use to cheat and do their best to prevent it from happening again. Just because banning hackers won't cut it.
  12. Suzie (DayZ)

    A Private Hive "Catalogue"?

    Because not every DayZ player uses DayZ Commander. Some prefer Six Launcher.
  13. Suzie (DayZ)

    Your favourite map?

    Thanks everyone, for your input so far! It's helped me yet another bit to understand how the players themself think about the game and it's maps!
  14. Suzie (DayZ)

    A Private Hive "Catalogue"?

    @dayz247: true, and probably some PHP/MySQL interaction as well :)