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Wulf (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Wulf (DayZ)

  1. Wulf (DayZ)

    Heli crash site madness.

    yea same happen to me in my firs, and so far only heli crash site. Manage to crawl my way in (which was not easy with the heli walkers and a few others around the site) got the gear and a rifle. I not sure what type of rifle it was since I got notice as I try to leave. I must have clear 8-12+ zeds and not a minute had pass after the last one die and at least another 10 spawn right next to the heli and of course I got overrun :/
  2. Wulf (DayZ)

    Day Z etiquette

    I must be really lucky since most of the people I have meet have been friendly, willing to team up, or at the very least gone their way without giving me issues. There has been the occasional gun nut that I have die to, but none that I felt was being an ass about it. At least they had the courtesy to loot my body afterwards, I hoped.