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About Sysel

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    On the Coast
  1. Sysel

    I keep spawning at the coast?

    Keep calm, I've been playing nice and cheezy for 3 days, then one time i logged in my main wep went poof, my sidearm went poof, my backpack went poof and aslo my whole toolset slots were suddenly feeling "open" I thought fine, never mind these 10 zombies chasing me, let's find me a weapon, so i did and survived, then suddenly i got kicked from the game, no biggie, logged in again and I respawned at the coast like you guys, but hey, i got the shitty wep i found at least, so again i survived somehow. However all of my food and means to get food were gone and was starving, so i went into a vilage, and just as i was heading for a house with 10 zombies behind me, poof i got kicked out of the game again (aparently 200 ms ping is too high) Yes as you all presume, I am now dead, great. Never mind a few bugs it's an aplha right, but this is kinda too much. I'm starting to feel paranoid and think some admin is chasing me around