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Everything posted by ramatakahn

  1. ramatakahn

    People who play 3rd person

    Whatever, get over yourself already.
  2. ramatakahn

    People who play 3rd person

    Got any more loads you want to spew at us?
  3. ramatakahn

    People who play 3rd person

    Other then the seeing around corners, 3rd person is realistic in that it simulates peripheral vision.
  4. ramatakahn

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    [–]rocket2gunsRocket 77 points 1 day ago I havent played it (so crazy busy right now with all the wrong things), but I really want too. it looks fantastic. Something we will grow support for more with the mod over the coming weeks I think. [–]rocket2gunsRocket 60 points 1 day ago Yes, the mod will be much more open than it is now - allowing more projects like Lingor and more freedom for server administrators. The game development will draw ideas off this pool and develop a more standardized experience. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/y4x6i/iama_rocket_potential_questions/
  5. ramatakahn

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Ok everyone needs to stop the hate and restricting of info of the Lingor map, Rocket himself says he likes the map and would love to play it, was well as giving support to it in the near future. "I haven't played it (so crazy busy right now with all the wrong things), but I really want too. it looks fantastic. Something we will grow support for more with the mod over the coming weeks I think." http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/y4x6i/iama_rocket_potential_questions/ Right from the horse's mouth.
  6. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    Again, just to reiterate, this mod is not failing and more people are playing it everyday.
  7. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    Uh yeah, I don't have the pronounced forehead like they do, don't even try and say different.
  8. It also looks like all tents have been emptied and vehicles reset...
  9. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    https://www.google.com/search?q=neanderthal&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=A9QnUL29IoqQ9QSa-oHIDg&sqi=2&ved=0CGcQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=919 No I don't, dumbass.
  10. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    That 800k+ number grows everyday. Me and my group attack anyone we don't know and expect to be attacked at any time, so yeah nothing has really changed.
  11. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    Resorting to personal insults, classic carebear behavior at it's finest. And I look nothing like a neanderthal, nice try though.
  12. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    Sigh. Again, the top three stats grow everyday, how do you not get that this mod ISN'T failing from that??? Escpecially the "Alive Characters" one. What?
  13. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    lol ok whatever, it didn't really deter anyone before when the whole outfit was changed, you really think that just the headgear is going to do much? You are dreaming, it's not going to deter me or my group that's for sure. And don't forget gillie suits cover it too.
  14. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    I guarantee that the bandit skin will little to no effect on things, so no it's not really fixing anything.
  15. We tried duping just a few minutes ago, didn't work for any of us. I set up like 5 tents earlier today with gear in them, now after the update they are all empty.
  16. ramatakahn


    Yeah sure you don't mind, that's why you titled the thread scumbags right?
  17. ramatakahn


    That was a big WoT that pretty much said nothing but a bunch of WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    It's not a matter of logical argument, it's you thinking your opinion is fact and ignoring or ridiculing anyone else who disagrees with it your arrogant selfish prick. And if you think a bandit skin is going to "fix" anything you are an idiot as well(gillie suits cover it btw).
  19. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    It's not a dream, it's reality, you are the one who needs to wake up. Just keep watching the top 3 stats on the main page grow, maybe then you'll get what I'm saying.
  20. ramatakahn

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    Duping next to be fixed instead of removing weapons/equipment.
  21. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    Again, that's just a dumb thing to say.
  22. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    I fully comprehend what you are saying, I'm just simply pointing out the fact that you are a tiny minority who feel that way. When you make a misleading and arrogant title about this game with the word "failing" in it what did you seriously expect?
  23. ramatakahn

    Why this mod is failing

    Just because you don't like the current state of the game doesn't mean it's failing. Your title is incorrect and misleading.