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Everything posted by ZlobaRUS54

  1. I like the changes in meta brought by new zombie mechanics. I guess it's part of their "focus on survival" sprint. Now let's wait for hunting and cooking and it will be the perfect survival simulator, not some shooter where ppl brag how their "squad" took out another "squad" or sniper special olympics. Obviously I support all the implementation suggestions players have been making, slightly increase the spawn time an distance, fix pathfinding, etc.
  2. For me: 1. Tents! I mostly play lone wold survival, filling my tent was a fun mini-game for me. Hell, even squirrels know you must save for later. 2. Fixing the status indicators. I must agree with Dean that text style was a bad idea, IMHO they are not just bad but completely unusable atm. I mean, if you read all the messages you can see that a deep mechanic for the effects is already in place, it's just impossible to tell at a glance how wounded/hungry/thirsty/tired you are (especially at night when color fade does not work). Dean said in one of the Streams that you gotta be able to tell if you are dying of starvation or about to slip into what seems like a persistent vegetative state from tiredness. I realize that HUD icons are in a way a step back to wolf3d school of interface design, but if that's what needed for a quick fix, so be it. 3. Hunting and hunting weapons. 4. Client side performance improvement. With 3dmark score in the top 10% I get pretty bad performance. P.S. Mod, merge this if there is already a topic like this. I didn't find it.
  3. ZlobaRUS54

    Kiev Riots - DayZ SA Gear Inspiration

    This video is good for inspiration. Ironically music featuring JayZ
  4. ZlobaRUS54

    1,000,000 DAYZ

    Our Russian hero - down, but not out :P
  5. ZlobaRUS54

    1,000,000 DAYZ

    1 millionth player was from Russia :lol: source: https://twitter.com/_SenChi__/status/423153422318063616
  6. ZlobaRUS54

    Mosin vs M4A1

    Depends on your play style. For me there is zero reasons to shoot someone from 700m. If I spotted them that far I'd just hide or run away.
  7. ZlobaRUS54

    Magnum revolver vs FNX45?

    I dropped my FNX as soon as I found the revolver, refuse to carry a weapon that I cannot depend on.
  8. DayZ sales are doing great. The troubling point is that over the time that DayZ sales have increased two times, the number of concurrent players has actually dropped. One might suggest that players are abandoning DayZ and new purchases are not enough to replace the massive player drop.
  9. ZlobaRUS54

    the 7 SIN of STANDALONE

    When I buy DayZ, the game, and use it to connect to a random DayZ server I'm entitled to a standard, vanilla DayZ experience representing Developers vision every time. No friends only, no 24/7 day, no 1000+ vehicles. I also think modders should not be able to use DayZ name in their mod as it may deviate from standard experience, same way as Arma 3 Breaking Point and Arma 3 Epoch have dropped DayZ from their names.
  10. 1. Dean is very supportive of Rust, so note to #dayz fanbois - no need to rabidly badmouth it 2. DayZ number of concurrent player seems to have peaked and is on the way down currentl (can be seen here: http://steamdb.info/graph/221100/ ) I'm sure people will come back tho once new content patches are developed
  11. ZlobaRUS54

    the 7 SIN of STANDALONE

    Yeah, it's pretty upsetting seeing that three big problems in the Mod (loot farming/server hopping, combat logging and ghosting) were not addressed during the MMO redesign stage as fundamental issues and migrated unmolested into the SA.
  12. ZlobaRUS54

    I haven't seen a single person for days..

    Good, I purposely hide in a bush/forest every time I see other players. Surviving is tough.
  13. ZlobaRUS54

    A Good Old Fashioned Duel

    I'm salivating to see the video! So far all talk - no action.
  14. ZlobaRUS54

    Zombie only Demo Servers.

    Currently it seems like no more then a few hundred zombies are spawned due to dynamic object limits. However Rocket mentioned that they could spawn 4000 zombies if loot was disabled completely. My suggestion is in each geographic zone convert a few servers to spawn only 10% of normal loot and the rest of resources allocate to thousands of zombies. This way maybe even well geared players instead of getting bored and shooting new spawns would join to get a taste of real zombie Apocalypses.
  15. ZlobaRUS54

    Zombie only Demo Servers.

    They can have a normal amount of players, no (or very little) loot spawning and several thousand zombies. One of the testers mentioned having played with 400 zombies in downtown Cherno alone, doubt you will be able to easily handle dozens of zeds at once with your fire axe. EDIT: As I said I do not want every server to be like this, only a few as a sort of pilot project. Just to see how game dynamic would change and possibly present an extra level of challenge to bored characters.
  16. ZlobaRUS54

    What are your thoughts on the FNX 45?

    A nice gun but suffers from the same problem as the m4, only 10x worse. Can't hit anything with it beyond the point blank range. I'd like to see someone reliably hitting targets at the stated 50-75m range.
  17. ZlobaRUS54

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Why does it have to be all or nothing? A lot of stuff (including morphine to fix broken bones) is a placeholder.
  18. ZlobaRUS54

    Finding a Mosin

    I can confirm three frequent spawn points. 1. Grey GAZ-24 "Volga" cars. 2. Shelf in the lobby of a two story building with a concert piano. 3. Third floor shelf in 'school' buildings.
  19. ZlobaRUS54

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I'd like them too, but that requires enabling of permanent storage which in turn is currently blocked by dynamic object limit. They already had to turn down zombies to 1000, instead of origianlly planned 3000-4000, in order to allow for a reasonable amount of loot, imagine how the object count will skyrocket if players were allowed to make tent cities like in the MOD.
  20. ZlobaRUS54

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    VAC has been active for at least a week now. Scripters have already been banned by it.
  21. ZlobaRUS54

    Damaged food items

    I know you shouldn't eat rotten food, but what about damaged cans? How safe is it to eat a can of "badly damaged" tuna?
  22. ZlobaRUS54

    Zoom Vs Iron sights

    Iron sights zoom is still BROKEN. It's less then naked eye zoom.
  23. ZlobaRUS54

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Let's just include every gun from JA2 v1.13 ))
  24. First person only. And I support the idea of renaming 3dp servers to 'Noob wallhack aim assist server'