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i wub pugs

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Everything posted by i wub pugs

  1. Just as a few dozen is lot out of 200' date='000 when it comes to hacking so is 5 of 1000. [/quote'] Well I never saw the 5 to begin with. Any ArmA II game play doesn't really lend itself to hacking because it just isn't necessary and server admins were almost always on in full/near full servers so any hacking would immediately result in kicking/banning. This doesn't happen in Day Z. Shit in most ArmA servers you'd get kicked for crashing a helicopter. Fact is hacking didn't exist in ArmA II not because the game design didn't allow it, but because the community never had that element. Edit: Also still waiting for mods to delete this shit because it's literally the dozenth thread in an hour. 2nd Edit: Good job mods!
  2. i wub pugs

    Six laucher... Useless

    Because the ArmA II launcher is a better program and you don't have to update it every time you try to launch it. It seems SU updates more than my mods do......
  3. i wub pugs

    Six laucher... Useless

    Using SU for anything other than updating is fail. Use the ArmA II launcher instead.........wait, that will really freak people out. Just go play something else or make a better program yourself, it's not like you paid for it.
  4. i wub pugs

    What's the point in trying?

    To sum up: "I died and lost my gear, now I'm having a sad."
  5. God damnit, search mother fucker! Also, video or it didn't happen. Disregard, thread moved by a mod because they're on top of shit here.
  6. i wub pugs

    Is the M4A1 Holo SD legit?

    If it's not in the loot tables, use at your own risk. Don't come back and say you weren't warned.
  7. i wub pugs

    Is the M4A1 Holo SD legit?

    The M4A1 Holo SD we have has the grenade launcher. Then drop it unless you want to be banned.
  8. i wub pugs

    Is the M4A1 Holo SD legit?

    He said SD not m203.
  9. i wub pugs

    Loud Sound -> Everyone died

    Video or it didn't happen.
  10. Funny thing is all this same stuff happens on arma2 servers lol. Arma 2 and battleeye problem not the dayz team. I don't recall there being a ton if any hackers in the ArmA II servers. It may be an ArmA 2 problem but it never needed to be addressed until now because you know Day Z has...... well, the community that it has.
  11. i wub pugs

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Ghandi said that a lot. Few would say he didn't have a point.
  12. i wub pugs


    PMC has armored Suburbans with mini-guns. The helo you are talking about sounds like a Ka-60 which is also from PMC. Now you know. http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-pmc-vehicles/arma2-pmc-vehicles_en.html
  13. It's just gear you can find again. You are a tester not a player. The Devs have known about this and clearly it's being addressed. For bonus points you can post video like all those guys did yesterday...... at least it's funny. Option B: Play the game(s) you actually paid for instead of fixating on a mod in alpha state. Just wait it out if bothers you so much.
  14. Man, I would just post up somewhere with an AK and start spraying and then hide. Guarantee that after like 5 rounds splash around people will freak and start shooting. Let you all kill each other and then walk in and clear all the loot. But good luck!
  15. i wub pugs

    How much would you pay?

    No more than I've paid for BAF or PMC or will end up paying for ACR when it comes out. Day Z should be ArmA II DLC, because that's what it is.
  16. i wub pugs

    Rare =/= Good

    The CZ is still the best sniper rifle. Whatever it lacks in accuracy/punch it more than makes up for with plentiful ammo. Winchester is still the best anti-zed weapon due to plentiful ammo and punch. I have an M4A3 and I had a Kobra to go with it. Grinding for guns is basically what you do at the NWAF and I'm done with that. Really, I got more fun out of shooting people with the Enfield because of the skill required and the power. Using an assault rifle is kinda meh. 1911 is still the best weapon in the game imo.
  17. i wub pugs


    Good, good, now remove the rest of the gear too!
  18. i wub pugs

    And suddenly, everybody dropped from the sky

    I don't think Day Z destroyed ArmA II, Day Z players don't play ArmA II. Day Z is just a mod for ArmA II that draws in the hacking sort because it brings in a grinding attitude like BF3 or COD, but Day Z does not translate into vanilla ArmA II. I never said it destroyed ArmA II, I simply said ArmA II didn't have hacking until Day Z came along, so really, Day Z has hacking, ArmA II does not. I play Day Z because it's fresh, but the current build is stale so I'm waiting for 1.7.1. I also get that it's an alpha and that it has a fuck ton of dipshit players that have brought along really immature play styles from other games, but that is part of the mod isn't it? Maybe you've seen one of my quotes around in people's sigs. I want everyone to die in this game, I'd love to see falling become a feature! And I really don't care what your opinion is, you just got butt hurt because I said some mean things about the Day Z community. I picked this thread because we had a bunch of other threads just like it get moved by mods/admins. They are aware of the hacking. Btw, since this is an alpha it's best to have all this fun and games now, so that's why I laugh at it but not as much as people crying about gear loss, which is the NUMBER ONE FORM OF CRYING ON HERE.
  19. I was in the closest barn north of Balota and two bandits came in (pre skin removal). One went outside and the other started up the stairs, he didn't see me, and I had a a brain fart that made me switch to my Mak instead of my Winny. I put a clip in him but he got me with his 1911...... ......here's the funny. We both spawn in Cherno near the dock, we both booked it for that big ass building that has like a foyer and a roof you can get on. We got in a Makarov fight for like 5 minutes and I finally killed him by forcing him to run off and get killed by Zeds. THEN He spawned at Cherno again and tried to come kill me, we ended up on top of the building and we were doing the ring around the rosie with that stairwell building on top of the main building. Popping Mak rounds at each other the whole time, then he must have got stuck or something but he straight up ran off the building and fell to his death. I killed him 3 times in a span of 30 minutes and it was all hilarious. I died like 2 minutes later to a guy who made a swarm of zeds come at me near the town hall.
  20. i wub pugs


    Good thing I last saved near Balota. If 1.7.1 is out this weekend I'll post up with my M4 near that barn closest to Balota and have me some Noob Steaks for dinner!
  21. i wub pugs

    And suddenly, everybody dropped from the sky

    Consider it my release for reading hundreds of crying threads about bandits and colds and disappearing gear. It's all funny, just like this thread is funny. Everyone on hear is crying about something including you and me. Got a worthwhile suggestion, do what I've done and go to the suggestion thread and post MECHANICS NOT CRYING.