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i wub pugs

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Everything posted by i wub pugs

  1. i wub pugs

    More Zombies, Less Bandits!

    You know there was a time, not too many builds ago that we had a fuckton of zombies and it was very hard to avoid/survive against them. Then what happened? Oh yeah the forum was inundated with crying about the fucking zombies.
  2. i wub pugs

    Suggestion: Medical Supply Changes

    Everything needs to be more scarce. Hospitals need to be the most important buildings and Berezino and Cherno need to be crawling with zombies.
  3. i wub pugs

    Infected Water

    A: Firewood is everywhere B: Hatchets are everywhere C: Matches are not everywhere but plentiful enough Sum: As a result making a fire is really really really fucking easy now.
  4. There is a fallacy in this. If I have chosen to take steps to become insane and I have done so purposely, why would I need to seek out anti-psychotics? Oh yes, because you are seeking to implement a mechanic that punishes me for making a decision to play a specific way. Murdering people en masse does not necessarily make you insane in a cartoonish/cliche sense. If the Nazis that marched millions of Jews into gas chambers weren't sane then they wouldn't have been as diligent or proficient at their work. Someone who belongs in a straight jacket or requires a lobotomy would not be able to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. It's amazing what training/indoctrination/inclination can do to a person. The KKK have no need for training or indoctrination as they have members that are willing to commit murderous acts simply because they have a negative inclination against "inferiors". Another example? Ted Bundy was a cool, calm and collected man who put up quite an amazing self-defense in his trials and he was a mass murderer.
  5. i wub pugs

    Bullet drop?

    I think it's meant to make fun of BF3... Nevermind it works fine for a paint drawing.
  6. This has been discussed at length. It is yet another mechanic that punishes one style of play while awarding another. It will not be implemented. If I butcher my wife and three children when I get home today will I suddenly start to have any of these effects? Who is to say I am insane? Sanity is a perception and perceptions only hold weight in society. Day Z is the absence of society. The real trick would be to build a new society within the game and to do so with all the temptations of bullet and bean hording.
  7. i wub pugs

    Friendly survivor system (hard-coded 'friendliness')

    I didn't contradict myself... ... you could always partner up with that guy you know... you didn't shoot on sight. I've done it, it's fun, it's what used to happen all the time. Maybe people are just getting bored and we're all lemmings that have been groomed to gravitate towards deathmatch.
  8. I'd rather see nothing at all. Not a damn thing to start with.
  9. i wub pugs

    Improve boats

    ArmA II models do not allow for firing from the vehicle. Also I think you should have pressed SHIFT in conjunction with your direction to go faster. But still you may get 20 km at best with that piece of junk. Why even bother with the boat?
  10. i wub pugs

    Survival - Let's Turn this B#$%h up to 11

    It is indeed too easy and I think Rocket knows this, there will have to be changes to loot tables and substantial changes at that. Even if you just do the Cherno run over and over, eventually you will have a successful run where you you come out with a good couple of guns and a big back pack and a ton of supplies. You can essentially be set up to survive in the woods/interior indefinitely with a 10 minute run into Cherno...... sure you may die 10 times in a row trying, but maybe on that 11th try you'll make it, and then it's boring.
  11. i wub pugs

    Friendly survivor system (hard-coded 'friendliness')

    The solution to shoot on sight has and always will be for people to stop themselves from doing it. Having a block of some sort is not in the spirit of the game. There are other mechanic that can be tweaked to possibly tone down the shoot on sight, but we aren't there yet. The best solution has and always will be to travel at least with a partner or better still a group.
  12. i wub pugs

    Infected Water

    I've been asking for boiled water for what seems like ages.
  13. i wub pugs

    Survival - Let's Turn this B#$%h up to 11

    "America does not need Gun Control. America needs bullet control. A bullet should cost $5000." - Chris Rock It's a scarcity argument, if I can't afford/can't find bullets I'm not going to waste them. I'm going through the same thing with my M4 right now (actually haven't played in a while) since my Elite Coyote ate 5 STANAG Mags and I just have this one STANAG SD inserted in the weapon. I'm not going to take pot shots and risk a fire fight until I have more ammo.
  14. Mosin or maybe a PPSH or SKS. I really don't care for Russian/Soviet weapons IRL other than the Mosin which I used to own one, but more "rustic" eastern guns would fit the setting better than OMGWTFBBQMegaMG. Pot shots are more fun than full auto engagements, well until the guy you are taking pot shots at DC's. Yeah I think Mosin gets my vote for sure.
  15. i wub pugs

    How to join a server with mods?

    Yeah I like to run JSRS and Blastcore and it's a NO NO on every Day Z server for pretty much the last month +. Only way to run Day Z is with CO Vanilla and that's it.
  16. i wub pugs

    Six laucher... Useless

    I disagree - it's a totally different program with additional functionality. Would you care to elaborate? Excellent product support is a good thing. I like Chevy cars what do you like? See where I'm going with this? Btw why even bother with a launcher? Just drop the damn folder into your directory and add @DayZ to your target line. I'm probably going to confuse people with that too, but really it is the simplest way to launch Day Z without any additional software. Really unless you have a bajillion mods and you need to find servers that have those exact mods or you need to set up a mod list for clients to DL for your special server, six updater is total overkill.
  17. i wub pugs

    ALT-F4 or just plain DC'ing....cheating?

    Or climbing a ladder for that matter. Yes I know they can go up some ladders but I've gotten away from zeds before going on top of a building, eventually they fuck off.
  18. i wub pugs

    ALT-F4 or just plain DC'ing....cheating?

    Right now I have a AK kobra, a silenced m4 and a Coyote pack, it's gonna suck hard when I get hit, but the fresh spawn also has it's excitement lol, you'll explore places you normally wouldn't when on a fresh spawn...not that i'm looking forward to it yet! Yeah I was joking because people value their gear WAY TOO MUCH.
  19. i wub pugs


    It's a hack dude, you're gonna get banned.
  20. i wub pugs

    L85 A2 AWS

    Nice find that thermal scope is gonna make you a pro bandit or well defended survivor.