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i wub pugs

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Everything posted by i wub pugs

  1. i wub pugs

    Melee Weapon Petition

    The Chernarus Apocalypse Missions support playing as a German Shepherd, and you can "bite" zombies........... really it's just barking really close to the zombie. So some sort of proximity kill is possible, but you would need new animations, and reading what some of the Day Z Heads are asking for......... uhhhh it's a mod in alpha state in a game that was never meant for this so you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.
  2. i wub pugs

    Will DayZ cost money after Alpha?

    BIS would have to allow for it, but I don't see why not. But I would imagine a low cost version of CO and Day Z wrapped together (totally blowing smoke out of my ass). But since we're like 6 months away from ArmA III...... ....who knows where BIS wants to let this go.
  3. i wub pugs

    BAF textures?

    Correction, there are BAF guns at least according to this (http://pastebin.com/Dn4uqYz8 no idea if it's accurate though). Btw BAF weapons are shit, but a good number of people do appreciate the LRR. Unless the rover is tan, then it's from ArmA II.
  4. i wub pugs

    BAF textures?

    The Lee Enfield is not from BAF. The Bonesetter class of OPFOR Militia uses it in OA. There are zero textures from BAF from what I can tell, but it does use PMC. BAF has a great single player campaign btw..................
  5. i wub pugs

    Game is growing too fast?

    Triple the server capacity and fix the lost gear/restart at coast for no reason and this tiny mod will win awards. ArmA II CO is now number 2 on steam behind Max Payne 3 pre-sale. There are simply too many damn people playing the game. ArmA II never had much of an MP base. Yeah people did COOP and hosted games for friends and you had domination and warfare servers, but this number of people is pushing the game to the edge, in fact it seems like it's breaking. Even in servers half full or near empty with pings below 50ms I'm getting all sorts of weird crashes and lags. Honestly, I hope it burns out by Sunday and we get another patch or something so I can play with my guys. Doing it solo tonight has been a nightmare.
  6. i wub pugs

    How populated is this Mod?

    ArmA is not really that buggy. The latest patch for Combined Ops fixed a ton of stuff and it is the baseline for ArmA III. However, ArmA II did get a terrible name for bugs. Operation Arrowhead fixed a lot of stuff, but it will always be "buggy" in the eyes of the masses. $30 for combined ops is what most people are seeing.
  7. i wub pugs

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Make some damn friends and stop going lone-wolf all the time. If that doesn't sound appealing then you better get real good at headshots.
  8. i wub pugs

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Hmm, I have a good number of people in my group/clan. We're doing okay for now, but we just have a couple CZZs and shotguns. Good on food and stuff, but we don't have knives or blood. We want better stuff. Would it be best to go back into Chernogorsk or Elektro or should we just keep inland. We're in Mogilevka as of our last save. Should we go to the big airbase for guns or will we find goodies out in the boonies? Btw, I think the new patch is great for being out in the boonies. Just the right number of Z's!
  9. i wub pugs

    First Day...AMAZING.

    Click the link in my sig. We were able to get 7 guys online to start but we lost 2 to disconnection and one actually says he doesn't want to play anymore because of bugs (even though it's alpha). We've got like 5 or 6 more that want to play. If we can get everyone on a server we could have in excess of 12. Really great mod.
  10. i wub pugs

    How populated is this Mod?

    Servers are slammed full, maybe if they had triple the servers running it would help, but who knows when that is going to happen.
  11. i wub pugs

    Signal Flare... is it possible?

    Pretty sure the flare gun was an ACE thing. Personally don't really see it being necessary. Waste of a slot and ammo.
  12. i wub pugs

    1.5.7 update

    Spawned in Mogilevka in pitch black on KC3 last night after the update. Threw out some flares, saw some zombies. Dropped 2 with the rifle at range, got ran up on by 3 out of the dark, dropped all 3 with my revolver. Looted all 5 bodies for food and soda. Mogi seemed fine in the dark. Maybe people should start moving inland............ which I think is kinda the point. Elektro is shit for loot anyway unless you want to build a car and Cherno is just too damn big. And I normally play with a group of 6 or more. Play an ArmA mod like it's an ArmA mod... you know with your brain.
  13. i wub pugs

    Reading maps

    There is only one "I WUB PUGS" on the World Wide Web. :D So vanilla only gives us a 6 digit grid on the GPS? Man, ACE has spoiled me.
  14. i wub pugs

    Don't listen to the casual gamers

    To be completely fair to Day Z, even with the restricting of 3rd person, it's not terribly hard if you play with friends. ArmA 2 in itself is a very hard game, but not many played it. I'm thankful that Day Z has really put the game into the hands of a ton of new players, but to say that 3rd person makes or breaks the difficulty is absurd because the game has a lot more modding capability that many of the "noobs" have no idea exists. If the Day Z team got permission to implement stuff from the Advanced Combat Environment Mod then we could have a lot more going on including a better construction ability, land mines that can be burried, a lot more gadgets for realism, the list goes on and on. Day Z has done a great job of taking the vanilla game and giving us a proper good Zombie Mod, but the Chernarus Apocalypse missions gave us a taste and they've been out forever. It's the packaging of Day Z that makes it appealing, the difficulty is not that hard. Drop any 20 of self proclaimed "Elites" in Day Z into a COOP mission on an ACE server and even the AI will make them cry. 3rd person vs 1st is an option that doesn't add or take away for me. I'd like to see more asymmetric capabilities added, and ACE can give us that.
  15. i wub pugs

    Reading maps

    Right then Up...
  16. i wub pugs

    Large bandit raiding force

    The group I play with are looking to go bandit hunting as our primary goal. Nothing sounds as fun as hunting the hunters. We're just gonna treat it like we treat insurgency. We've fallen in love with the whole bandit vs survivor aspect of this mod.
  17. i wub pugs

    Don't listen to the casual gamers

    Perhaps the Dev Team can get some help from the ACE/ACRE team to implement some of the real goodies.