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i wub pugs

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About i wub pugs

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    Monterey California
  1. i wub pugs

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    Plenty of great changes, especially the zombies being server side. I hope the private hives die, this won't be a mod and BIS should exercise control over the servers with admins, etc. I'd even do a low monthly subscription to keep the servers up and running. Really looking forward to this, I pretty much bolted along with my clan when the character pop got above 60,000. The mod seemed to spiral out of control and it got rather droll dealing with all the hacking, also content basically stopped progressing. From what I can get out of the Q&A, the mod served its purpose, the standalone is building on what we learned and substantial progress is being made. I'm really exited for the 150 players, it should give my group of 20 or so a real purpose.
  2. i wub pugs

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    I remember when it was 30,000. :( Not the same game anymore, but still decent.
  3. i wub pugs

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    I don't know why the OP hasn't answered any of these legitimate questions.
  4. i wub pugs

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    Hear me out, what if we didn't play Day Z, but we used the server to perfect drill movements! We could do it on the airfield! You know what, on second thought, have you been in a Day Z server? That is a shit load of tin cans laying around. Can it be our personal mission to police call all of Chernarus?
  5. i wub pugs

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    I would like to request that we hack in rifle cleaning gear so my weapon can be inspection ready at all times too!
  6. i wub pugs

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    MCMAP belt? MCMAP belt? What kind of boot shit is this? Pretty sure us salt dogs still wear our web belts. Will we be expected to have a clean, pressed and starched set of cammies on hand at all times? At Walking Dead Clan they know the assignment :rolleyes:
  7. i wub pugs

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    Devil Dog, I have six shirt stays attached to my tee shirt as I type this. Does this Walking Dead Clan have challenge coins?
  8. i wub pugs

    Whats this thunderdome crap

    Are you shitting me? What server is this on? Just when I thought Day Z had gone to shit, new blood is brought in!
  9. i wub pugs

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    Exactly how much motivated motivation is required to be part of this group? Is the only acceptable haircut a horseshoe? This isn't a real quote from an actual person is it?
  10. Not just shit loot. Guns that explode when you fire them. Magazines with blanks. Tents that catch fire randomly after 48 hours. NVGs that blind you. Permanently. NVGs that you can't take off that have ultra high saturation so at night you're blind too. Duping is a very close second for me as far as reasons why my Day Z time per week has nearly gone to zero. Actually it's more prevalent than DCers since I rarely even see anyone and I don't hang out on the coast. It's just really annoying to see all these people with whole tent villages full of gear that they duped.
  11. I'm all for a total gear reset. It's hard to test new mechanics anyway when everyone is running around with 3 primaries. People aren't really testing, they're just gun grinding.
  12. i wub pugs

    How I've died to sloppy programming

    Oh look yet another: "Fuck this game because I lost my shit" thread. Find more, this isn't COD you don't get a cookie for having gold plated guns.
  13. There is no = win Gucci gun grinding is killing the game. I'd get rid of all western guns and deplete ammo by 90%, and then let all spawns be equal for gear except special items like GPS or field gear that you need to survive. Wtf are people doing running around with 500 rounds of NATO 7.62 for their M240 anyway? Are you planning on fighting off a human wave? I've never been in a real life barracks that just has ammo and guns all over the place so you can junk that too. I don't care about the ghillie suit to be honest, beyond 200m you look like a rock but a funny looking rock so I'm going to shoot you, and you stick out like a giant dildo in town, that's why I've shot 3 people with ghillies because you don't blend into walls very well.
  14. i wub pugs

    37 murders and counting..

    God, I don't mean to offend, but your getup is retarded. What do you need 3 belts of 240 ammo for? When are you going to get into a protracted firefight and at range where you wouldn't just use the AS50? Gucci Guns for sure, and for no reason other than to have them.