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Posts posted by fuzzy4ever

  1. Sometimes when I shoot a guy with an L85 it'll 3-4 shot him. Other times (and this is WAY more common) I'll shoot someone with 15+ bullets, and I know every single one hits them based on the blood bursts on every bullet fired, yet they'll still be alive and disconnect. The majority of the time that I put a large amount of bullets into them, they're at <100 meters away. The L85 does over 3000 damage so in theory it should only take 4 shots to kill, yet here I am doing over 45,000 damage and people are surviving. How is this possible?

  2. From what I hear there was an update just rolled out that is supposed to fix it. Seems to have done it as I moved a vehicle and had the server restarted, the vehicle didn't move from that spot I saved it on. However now the server is EXTREMELY laggy. Keep desyncing and actually get timeout messages non stop. Hope it's something with the server and not the patch!

  3. This latest patch introduced a lot of graphical tearing issues.

    DayZ has always had problems with connectivity, you just have to keep on trying until you find a group of servers that work great for you and just rotate between them. I say a group because if one goes down, it's nice to have another that you know works. For instance I know when you search "US35" in the filter, all of the servers that show up work perfectly for me, and I join them quickly instead of having to wait for a long period of time.

  4. The video card is from the current generation, it is a AMD, not a Nvidia.

    Anyways, it can run it fine. And there is no point in upgrading your RAM for ARMA (hardcoded to 2 gigs MAX).

    Your bottleneck is more likely to be your CPU or harddisk..

    Dammit, everytime i think i am out, they keep pulling me back in, by given bad advice :/

    I'm just going off of benchmarks from that video card, and they're pretty low.

  5. Hes just re-installed it and it seems to have improved it slighty, Could the problem maybe be the fact that all his steam downloads are on a different hard drive than his documents where his character save files are etc?

    That should only affect his load time, not his FPS

  6. Can you join non-dayz servers? Try that out and see what happens. If so, it's a problem with dayz. If not I'd shoot and email to support@bistudio.com containing your CD key and your problem, and they will look into it for you.

    The only way that I know of finding your CD Key that you have lost is to use a third party program, and I'm not sure I want to link to the site that hosts it....

  7. The motherboard that I have in mind does support the Athlon II x4 line, however that processor doesn't show up in the specific list. I'm not 100% sure that it would work, but my bet would be that it does. Even if it doesn't, newegg's return policy allows you to send it back.

    I have this in mind:

    Memory: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16820231311

    Motherboard: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16813138348

    Graphics: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814102908
