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Everything posted by fuzzy4ever

  1. fuzzy4ever

    Flip ATVs.

    I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed to unflip our flipped ATVs, to get them to be usable again. Especially considering how many glitches there are in this game that cause them to be flipped in the first place (Driving over a bridge = flip, certain roads flip you, tiny tiny bumps flip you, etc)
  2. fuzzy4ever

    Flip ATVs.

    Based on that ^ it seems like rocket has purposefully set it so ATVs can't be set. Is there a good reason for it?
  3. fuzzy4ever

    Empty map

    As in all around you is just an empty area? That means you're in the debug forest (which is weird, considering there's no forest...) but you just have to respawn.
  4. fuzzy4ever

    Unconscious on Server Join

    I thought that was normal...
  5. fuzzy4ever

    Unconscious on Server Join

    At first I did, but it started about 2 or 3 hours ago and hasn't stopped since... Funny post :P
  6. fuzzy4ever

    Flip ATVs.

    Actually lost two ATVs doing something like that... One ATV flipped and tried to un-flip it by ramming it with another ATV (works only if you're using a bigger vehicle, apparently...) and got 1 shotted while doing it. Guy got my full tool belt, L85, and coyote. Not to mention the un-flipped ATV that had every vehicle part a man would need, times 2 or 3. Raged so hard. Ended up actually hunting him down later and taking back the L85, but never did find that precious ATV
  7. fuzzy4ever

    Flip ATVs.

    Yea I've lost countless ATVs to random glitches....
  8. I have legit-playing friends who have their hands all over it, seems very unlikely that they would all come across one on the ground
  9. Actually that isn't hacked - I've found it in barracks before.
  10. fuzzy4ever

    mountain dew trade

    Pretty sure they're just a novelty item, right?
  11. This coming from an ex-hacker: Most of those weapons don't exist in dayz. SCAR doesn't exist, G36C doesn't, and many many more.
  12. fuzzy4ever

    Forever stuck at loading

    Was playing all day today with, then updated to 95417 wasn't detected by BE yet so I downgraded to 95310 but kept Now stuck at loading.
  13. fuzzy4ever

    New Server- Vehicles?

    Mind explaining that?
  14. fuzzy4ever

    New Server- Vehicles?

    So the vehicles will never appear unless their "respawn timer" hits 0, and the server is restarted? They won't appear out of the blue once the timer hits 0?
  15. fuzzy4ever

    Servers Not Showing In List?

    It's happening for many servers with both dayz commander and six launcher. Use this site to find out your server's IP/Port and you'll be able to connect :http://arma2.swec.se/server/list
  16. fuzzy4ever

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    Show me a unhackable game >_> I've never seen one, I've seen games that are hard to hack, but it's still possible. No matter how much BE is updated, bypasses will still be done.
  17. I was the only one in the server (I had checked player list often, to make sure) and yet I still got shot in the face. Double checked right as I died and there STILL was nobody in the server, yet I got killed by a rifle.
  18. fuzzy4ever

    No Servers appearing on list

    You realize that if it was "down or being updated" that nobody would be able to play? Yet here I am, playing, cause I know to save IPs and not names given to me by DNS...
  19. fuzzy4ever

    L85 AWS and G36c SD (Camo)

    Dsi is right - All G36Cs are hacked, L85 was originally in the game, then removed, but is now back.
  20. He's talking about downed helicopters, ones that appear in fields with high quality military loot on them (SAWs, FN Fals, ghille, nvg, etc)
  21. Anyone use these guys and can provide feedback? $35/month for 40 seems like a good price, though tbh stability is more of what I'm interested in >_>
  22. fuzzy4ever

    How are we supposed to play this game?

    Oh btw OP I figured I would put this here for you: Please note the right hand side - "Servers are running: 95253 - 68%" "Servers are running: - 86%" Thank you, come again.
  23. fuzzy4ever

    How are we supposed to play this game?

    >Complains that servers are outdated when update was just rolled out today > Talks shit to other people, saying they don't know what they're talking about > When someone disagrees, says they need source or is bullshit, despite the fact he didn't provide source for his lolmath http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5foydF8dH1qfvhw3.gif
  24. fuzzy4ever

    Curious - 95310 working?

    Well there's now 95310 :P
  25. Just gunna leave this here -