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Everything posted by fuzzy4ever

  1. Admins have zero room to ban, except if someone is blatantly hacking. Hell, they're not even supposed to KICK unless someone is being racist in chat. I'd report this server abuse right away.
  2. I would ban that player instantly if you didn't give him admin.
  3. fuzzy4ever

    Spawned in dead

    Finally got into a server after over an hour of being stuck at loading screen. My sound wasn't going through my headphones, but through my speakers so I restarted arma. When I reconnected to the server I just left, I spawned in dead. Didn't even see the HUD on the right side, just saw "you have died". I created a new character to be found in debug with no gear. But I digress. I've heard of this bug before and was told that it's typically fixed by aborting and coming back in. That didn't work. Another "fix" is to have zombies kill you, abort, and come back in and you'll have your gear. That didn't work. Note: I'm now on the shores with no gear whatsoever. Death by patch, that's a new one.
  4. LOL! Here let me upload mine http://desmond.image...jpg&res=landing Btw that's a 3 ounce fishing weight. I want to take off the circle part so it sits straight up :P
  5. fuzzy4ever Files

    So my home server has yet to update to and from what the admin tells me, it won't happen for awhile. I've google'd and tried to find th files to overwrite my 1725 with but can't find them. Can someone help me out?
  6. fuzzy4ever

    Loading Freeze <New and im girl so i suck at this>

    Me thinks she dost protests to much
  7. That it is! When you can join a server, that is.
  8. fuzzy4ever

    The New "Cool" Hacker Trick

    Lol man I wish I could find a hacker that does this. Only ones I ever find are the ones that teleport me to their location, in the air :|
  9. fuzzy4ever

    Where did Global Chat go?

    It's not allowed anymore, however some servers still have it. Rocket felt it took away from the realism of the game, so he made the decision for the server admins....
  10. fuzzy4ever

    My story with dayZ

    inb4 "server hopper got what he deserved"
  11. fuzzy4ever

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Really hoping you're trolling. Sniper rifles are obviously not meant for zombies, they're meant for PvP. So you shouldn't be running out of ammo so quickly. Also - It's easy to find ammo.
  12. fuzzy4ever

    how do i fix this?

    Pfffft, Dayz Commander > all
  13. fuzzy4ever

    A very lucky day in DayZ.

    Actually people still do trust you. I ran into the elektro church with a pistol in hand and my -120,000 humanity and chatted a random guy up who was in there. Suddenly saw a guy with a hatchet sprint across the opening, followed by like 10-15 zombies. He ran into the market and I followed. To kill 'em? Nope. I shot all the zombies right in the face with my pistol :P Basically - They'll trust you if you aren't geared. Otherwise they'll kill ya and rape you for your loot ;)
  14. fuzzy4ever

    The golden days of DayZ are over...

    I had a good time looting today as well. Not even near the coast. Btw this patch fixed all my graphical issues, haven't had any ever since. No I'm not a fan boy, I'm just pointing out that you're applying your own biased statements to everyone.
  15. fuzzy4ever

    Spawned in dead

    Teleported to the coast YET AGAIN! This time I amazingly kept my gear. It's pathetic when that surprises me.
  16. fuzzy4ever

    Spawned in dead

    Yea ShigZ that's the debug area. That's what I encountered as well and you're SUPPOSED to be able to abort and you'll be sent back to the coast with all your gear, but apparently not anymore.
  17. Your forums? Sup rocket? Btw - You won't get banned for using hacked vehicles/weapons. Only if you were the one that hacked them in. This topic has been brought up so often, you'd think people would comprehend it by now.
  18. fuzzy4ever

    Cant update to

    DayZ Commander will update itself, Arma2, and Dayz for you. You just have to click the right buttons.
  19. fuzzy4ever

    Cant update to

    That has nothing to do with updating to, do a search in this thread for your problem then make a new thread if you can't find a preexisting one.
  20. fuzzy4ever

    Stuck on "Loading" screen

    Being stuck on "loading" without a bar means that the hive is suffering from to many people connecting at once. Considering an update was just recently rolled out, a lot of servers were restarted and a lot of people logged out of the game and started downloading/reconnecting. Thus lagging the hive. The only thing you can do is wait. These posts always come up after a version update because the update causes this. Get used to it.
  21. fuzzy4ever

    Cant update to

    1) Download DayZ Commander 2) Open it 3) At the top right hand corner of the DayZ Commander window, click "Versions" 4) Click "Check Now" 5) Install/Update by clicking the button that shows up.
  22. fuzzy4ever


    To my understanding, being stuck on "loading" without a bar means that the hive is suffering from to many people connecting at once. Considering an update was just recently rolled out, a lot of servers were restarted and a lot of people logged out of the game and started downloading/reconnecting. Thus lagging the hive. The only thing you can do is wait. These posts always come up after a version update because the update causes this. Get used to it.
  23. fuzzy4ever

    Cant update to

    I'd recommend using Dayz commander. Much simpler and more user friendly.
  24. fuzzy4ever

    Cant update to

    Why would you want to do it manually?
  25. "Heavy Graphical Glitch" most likely means artifacting, something that should be fixed in the new patch (though judging by forums, hasn't fixed it). "Server is running an incorrect version" is because the game was just updated. Make sure that you're completely updated as well, then set your filter for " 95883" and you should be able to join. However, the hive is very bogged down atm so most people are getting stuck at the loading screen without bar.