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Everything posted by fuzzy4ever

  1. fuzzy4ever

    New option for loot locations

    Well imagine this: In real life if you have a gun in your hand and a zombie is going to start biting you, you probably won't hold onto that gun. Even if you do, when you reanimate into a zombie you won't be smart enough to pick that gun right up. Meanwhile it is possible for a scavenger to be carrying beans or empty cans (to use as scrap metal?), even ammo or pistols in their pockets when they get bit and subsequently turn.
  2. fuzzy4ever

    US40 Admin Hacking

    We sure that the rocket launcher isn't a legit spawn? Friend of mine mentioned that he had one and he isn't the type to cheat.
  3. I know you must be getting annoyed by all the people asking, but I just submitted a thread describing in detail what happened to me. What happened to me is exactly what happened to OP, however I was killed by zombies while unconscious. Please look into that and see what can be done. Thank you!
  4. Why do I say that? Because they can happen at any time no matter where you are. I've been stranded in the middle of a city with no weapon as I spawn in. I've been on a crashed server while driving a vehicle and when I logged back in was unconscious for 5 minutes with 4 zombies hitting me until I died, I've run into a friendly and died from collision, hit rocks and broken legs... Players and zombies can be avoided, these bugs cannot.
  5. fuzzy4ever

    Would this work?

    Considering you can out run zombies.. I fail to see why you would do this.
  6. fuzzy4ever

    One DayZ?

    It needs to be stable before it goes stand alone. Disappearing items, duplicated tents (and items), hackers scripting and creating vehicles not in DayZ, general instability of servers and so on.
  7. fuzzy4ever

    Server Hopper/Exploiter on US 394

    Server hopping isn't against the rules.
  8. fuzzy4ever

    LU127 complaint thread

    http://dayzmod.com/f...r-read-in-here/ Under "Beware" NO KICKING TO MAKE ROOM FOR 'FRIENDS' OR CLANMATES - You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like So if you are actually the owner of this server (And honestly, I really hope not cause you sound like a 10 year old) then yes, you're IP will probably be banned from Dayz.
  9. fuzzy4ever

    LU127 complaint thread

    Then you obviously did not read the rules that the DayZ creators laid out.
  10. fuzzy4ever

    Pobeda Dam vehicle flip

    Have had this happen as well with the bridge to the north of Solnichniy
  11. Date/Time: ~3:30 PM EST What happened: Was driving through Elektro in a bus on US 280 when it crashed. Once it came back up I hopped in only to find myself unconscious with the longest wait time I have ever seen (Took like 5-10 minutes) during which zombies were attacking me. Subsequently died because of the zombies before my timer was up. Spawned right near my body thankfully only to run over to it and my body not being there. Note: It took me about 15 seconds to run back to my body (seriously, was so close I can't believe it ._.) so there couldn't have been a way to loot my body and hide it. Where you were: Elektrozavodsk, to the east of the school. What you were doing: Driving a bus as server crashed, logged in to very long unconscious, died due to zombies. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US 280 *Your system specs: Radeon HD 5770, AMD Phenom II x4 965 (OC'd to 3.74 MHz), 4x4gigs of GSkill PC3-10700 *Timeline of events before/after error: 1) Driving down road towards Elektro 2) Server Crashed 3) Join server again once it's loaded up 4) Unconscious with very long wait time 5) Die to zombies 6) Spawn very close to body, run to it only to find it gone Note - Very sorry for the double post. I, in my anger, didn't see the sticky at the top.
  12. fuzzy4ever

    US149 Hacker

    I couldn't pick up his name as the server doesn't show it, but I shot him 7 times in the face with a M107, saw blood spurt out from him on every hit, and he didn't die. He hopped off his ATV and killed me. He's riding from Cherno to Elektro.
  13. fuzzy4ever

    Spawn / Spawns

    He would have to run to you. The only spawn points are along the coast, and I think the farthest up the coast is at the quarry
  14. fuzzy4ever

    DE 364

    Earlier today it got hit by a hacker that mass killed everyone. I considered it my home server and had a really nice tent set up in a sweet location. Wondering what happened to it, does anyone know?
  15. Had a friend give me a tent earlier today and when I switched servers it disappeared from my pack. That led to me spending all day trying to find a new one by hopping servers in Elektro's market. Having zero luck there and am wondering what you guys think is the best place to find a tent?
  16. fuzzy4ever

    Best place to find tents?`

    Yea I'm currently in Berezino, digging through a market and what I believe is an apartment (it's the same type of building that's across from the Elektro market) while at the same time praying that a motorcycle spawns across from the Berezino market...
  17. fuzzy4ever

    Best place to find tents?`

    Sounds like the common is Military, Markets, and Apartments. Which of the three would you say is best? Or if there's some near each other, please mention that so I can run there :3
  18. fuzzy4ever

    Killed a Hacker

    You do realize that there is a bug for many players where they will respawn where they died? It's happening to a friend of mine actually. We were up at Stary and he got 1 shot by a 50 cal. He went down, respawned right on his body.
  19. fuzzy4ever

    Tent question + saving

    Not correct whatsoever. I have died many many times and my first tent is still there. I have never heard of any tents disappearing on their own.
  20. Joined that server and started running to electro. Immediately EVERYONE on the server died at the same time. Created another char and the same thing happened. Everyone was repeatedly being either admin killed or being mass killed by a hacker.
  21. fuzzy4ever

    Do not go to DE 364!!!

    That's why I said either, because I didn't know which.
  22. fuzzy4ever

    Do not go to DE 364!!!

    Wasn't me telling a story little troll, was me giving warning to the community.
  23. fuzzy4ever


    Where in god's name can I find one >_<
  24. fuzzy4ever

    Dead Bodies

    How long do dead bodies last on the ground from the moment the person dies?
  25. fuzzy4ever

    Can't Join Any Server - New - Just got DayZ

    I wouldn't. I did that and had some serious issues.