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Everything posted by fuzzy4ever

  1. Getting kicked right away on join from US354, no reason or anything. Right before I get kicked I can see that there's 4 people on it right now, non of them have admin though. EDIT - Actually, it's happening to every server that I join.
  2. fuzzy4ever

    Private server spotted

    BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers! - IT MAY NEVER BE PASSWORDED - NO OTHER KEYS OR MODS. NONE. PERIOD. - NO KICKING TO MAKE ROOM FOR 'FRIENDS' OR CLANMATES - NO LOCKING THE SERVER - NO EDITING DAYZ/MISSION FILES - IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UPDATE YOUR SERVER TO THE LATEST VERSION OF DAYZ -BATTLEYE MUST BE ENABLED - Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries) - Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. - You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like. - Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting I hate to say it but what this dick is doing is completely legit. His only repurcusion is that he won't be connected to the hive anymore. Past that, mods are freeware.
  3. fuzzy4ever

    US354 - Instantly kicked

    Yea, actually getting insta-kicked from every server I've tried joining...
  4. I have yet to find a server where on restart, the tent doesn't empty. What is causing this? Is there any way to stop it from happening?
  5. Hacker just broke everyone's legs in the server at the same time.
  6. fuzzy4ever

    US354 - Hacker in Server NOW

    Hacker still in there. He knows where everyone is and has a helicopter.
  7. Getting kicked from DE333 for 109 ping. Last I checked, not allowed to kick for anything except being annoying/racist in chat. 109 ping is completely acceptable in this sort of game, where ping barely comes into play considering you're walking/looting 95% of the time.
  8. fuzzy4ever

    Tents emptying on restart

    HFB being the hoster, I assume? It happened to me today on US 354, but has also happened on US 280, 522, and 353. Probably more, but I can't remember them all :|
  9. fuzzy4ever

    Tents emptying on restart

    Every time. No matter how many times I save it, once the server restarts everything is gone.
  10. fuzzy4ever

    US53 Hacker on NOW

    Hacker just teleported the entire server to his location and unloaded on everyone. I looked back before I logged out and saw several people around him. Didn't pick up his name, was to busy saving myself.
  11. Title says it all, ran through Elektro and saw a bus there. I hate them cause they're so slow and annoying to stash gear in so whoever wants it, grab it.
  12. fuzzy4ever

    Logging in unconscious?

    "unplayable" >613 years played and counting Also, having this problem. Seems to be based on what server you're on, as I can change servers perfectly fine but the second I go back to my old one (where it first happened), it starts happening again.
  13. fuzzy4ever

    3 Ways To Make The FarmerZ Cry

    Sure, let's make it difficult for those who log out to go afk or have bad internet.
  14. fuzzy4ever

    losing items when switching servers

    Wait for like 10-15 minutes with all your gear before you switch, sometimes servers take awhile to "save" your stuff. Also, make sure you're on servers that are connected to the DayZ hive. My list of servers are are quick join AND connected to the hive are US353 US256 NL114 US 280 US 522 US364 US35 (Set this as filter and all the servers that show up are good) US359 US352
  15. fuzzy4ever

    Waiting For Host

    If the server is stuck at "waiting for host" that means the server is outdated.
  16. Kinda the same thing, but logging out of a server and into another often makes me lose gear/weapons. Lost my L85 and my camping tent that I had JUST gotten to replace the 3 others I had lost due to server restarts duplicating them....
  17. fuzzy4ever

    My friend moves slower than me.

    Arma2 & Dayz are more CPU heavy then GPU heavy. It's his CPU that matters.
  18. fuzzy4ever

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    So while it may run, there will be no technical assistance?
  19. fuzzy4ever

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    So what exactly prevents DayZ from running on linux? Buddy in my clan has a very good unlimited bandwidth linux server and is wondering why that is. Arma itself has official linux server files, and since DayZ is considered a mod why can't it run?
  20. fuzzy4ever

    Tents duplicating?

    My tents keep doubling themselves every time the server restarts. Is there some way to prevent this?
  21. fuzzy4ever

    Helicopter crash sites? help?

    I highly doubt they would remove them, as they did nothing to hurt the game. The reason you went to where one was SUPPOSED to be and it wasn't there, was because it didn't spawn. They aren't always there.
  22. Except for the fact that it breaks DayZ rules to do so.
  23. fuzzy4ever

    SE 9 Hosted by Tansien (Hacker.)

    So he had a custom skin? To my knowledge they are both possible AND allowed in this game. And flares do sometimes light up a large section of the city. I've seen it often, and it's actually pretty awesome =o
  24. fuzzy4ever

    US 135 - Shady?

    It's a known bug that vehicles are disappearing. Also the physics engine is very VERY buggy (I've run into a teammate and he flew into the wall, dying.) so it's completely possible that you ran into an object (rock, tree, bush, whatever) and it took you out.