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Everything posted by bnblue@hotmail.com

  1. bnblue@hotmail.com

    What's the loadout of the new Loot table: Hunting

    Yeah, they pretty much suck now, QQ
  2. Looted M4SD and M40A3 and Ghilee from heli site, I've attained full bushyness at last!...my lucky looting day, now just to stay alive! :D
  3. bnblue@hotmail.com

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    Some great stuff, although I deman "Legacy" bars attain there rightful name as Marathon bars!, hell DayZ is jogging sim anyway and what better way to fuel your dayz!
  4. bnblue@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Update

    Yes this is one hell of a stupid loot item and from what I see has no point what so ever!
  5. The city streets will run with blood!
  6. Nah just don't like folks, who are all nerf this, remove that, where does it stop and the line drawn?
  7. Terrible idea and I don't even use sniper rifles!
  8. I'll volunteer, I've not tried any of your other servers so you'll have to post details, map, address etc, as I've like 2gb on my SSD and only have the one map! :(
  9. All it needs is a Dukes of Hazard horn!^^
  10. Come on people stick to the requirements, ASL!!! Not really, but location, reason for wanting to join and more importantly GUID!!!!
  11. bnblue@hotmail.com

    DayZ SA NEEDS basements (seriously)

  12. Need your GUID, where you are from and why you want to join!
  13. There was no 9am or 12pm restart and wasn't started till I don't know, gone 1:30? hence the reason there were more helis spawned, with a 3 hour restart you're gonna get 3 maybe 4 max per cycle so you're never gonna get more than that on the entire map with it this way, that's all I'm pointing out. Ok "community developer/modder whatever you want to call it update" and I'm just going by what he's said, http://dayzmod.com/f...st/page__st__60 and from what others have said and also from what I've experienced myself! Yes this patch brought alot of shite along with it and I was quite quick to ponder how this passed testing! Zed gltching, AI issues etc etc aswell as a few positive things like new GUI but yes most definately a mixed bag to say the least!
  14. Find none in over week, servers not restarted for an age and I find 3? that's not a coincidence. Crashed helis aren't rarer it's just a different system... The developer of that patch has pretty much stated that's it's a private hive/admin problem but hey it's Pandas server he can do what he wants with it, just mean's one less fun aspect of the game being reduced! Edit: and by less fun* I obviously mean more and of course they are rarer but that's because how having more frequent restarts effects how many helis will be spawned in the cycle and one more thing could someone explain to me how having longer restarts would cause more lag? not being persnickety just never seen or read anything regarding it! Also don't take this as me having a go at anyone or the server I obviously think it's one of the best around or I wouldn't play there as much, just like finding crashed helis as the only other place to find MiltaryS gear is the barracks and that's pretty much a death trap without a team!
  15. bnblue@hotmail.com

    NVG glasses in [warning: spoiler]

    Remove NVG's is fine as long as you remove anymore people who ask for more stuff to be removed, or maybe some folks just want us to all to have one weapon choice and no other gear what so ever? Or is it GPS next or compass both give and advantage surely they must go?? NVG's drop from Barracks/crashed helis and that's it, if people find them anywhere else it's player dropped.
  16. Yes Lewwy that's how the system works now, they're spawned in over time and the cycle of the server is paramount to that, shorter server cycle less crashed helis, or that's how I see it anyway. They are a few threads about alduing to how the system works but tis along those line, every 30 mins or so there's a chance for a crashed heli spawning up to a certain number which I've read is around 6-8. There's no way I don't spot a crashed heli in what over a week? I then find 3? nah ain't happening!
  17. Hey Panda and admins, I think the server restarts need to reduced I'd say to every 6hrs! I don't find a crashed heli since the patch. Server is not restarted for several hours and I find 3!! crashed helis in as many hours, I don't think that's a coincidence TBH!!
  18. Anychance of adding a basic fishing mechanic to the game? maybe something for later down the line? and dogs how's it going with dogs?
  19. bnblue@hotmail.com

    City lights

    Wouldn't solar panels in theory last for years and not need anything but the sun? Petrol generators sound plausible though and wouldn't it be just frikking awesome to see Cherno or Electro lit up at night? even for the odd few hours!!
  20. bnblue@hotmail.com

    Where can I find 100 Rnd. M240 for my MK 48 Mod?

    Ahh okay mate good luck but you really could of trusted me as I just don't play on public servers anymore and have no need for the loots, I could even give you the NVGS/GPS I have!! I know my forum name might sound dodgy but I really am not the unfriendly type and I certainly wouldn't go to the bother of arranging a trade and time spent just to rob a player of his first chance to test an awesome weapon that would be just be proper mean! :P
  21. bnblue@hotmail.com

    Equipped and ready to move

    FU and your SVD camo /cry Still after months looking for one, I found one at a crashsite once and just before I was to loot it the server went down /wrist Ahh well I got my M4 CC0 SD at the moment! <3 As others have said enjoy it while it lasts!!