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Everything posted by OfficialRooster

  1. OfficialRooster

    Boat In The Water

    Hello, I have a question for my fellow DayZ players. I have found a small boat floating out in the water and have swam to it. I looked and saw that it needs Gas and an engine part. But I have one question. How do i get the stuff out there to fix it? It will all just drop when I go swimming and it is pretty far off the coast. IF anyone can help me that would be awesome. I tried pushing it and other stuff but nothing will work.
  2. OfficialRooster

    Boat In The Water

    Sadly have tried it on mulitble servers and you still do.
  3. OfficialRooster

    Boat In The Water

    I think I am about to cry right now :(
  4. OfficialRooster

    Boat In The Water

    Help Anyone?
  5. OfficialRooster

    This is how we deal with bandits

    Dude what is up with your game? Those weird glitchy lines would bug the shit out of me! Good video though (:
  6. Hello everyone today I have made a DayZ picture pack for windows 7! You can use this as a windows 7 background slideshow! Thanks to everyone who has put pictures on the DayZ forums! Here is the download link! http://www.swiftshared.com/s5Any Thanks Is Appreciated! -Rooster
  7. OfficialRooster

    Unofficial DayZ Picture Packs!

    Your Welcome (:
  8. OfficialRooster

    Most intense firefight of my life

    Holy shit completely agree! My blood is rushing just from watching and making me wanna start Dayz again =D
  9. OfficialRooster

    DayZ crash to desktop "Arma 2 OA has stopped working"

    If it says not responding just let it sit for a little bit. Thats happens to me to, but alot of times it will recover.
  10. Completely agree. This is the most annoying bug out there. Have lost multible thing because of it!
  11. OfficialRooster

    Connecting to server error

    Are you using six launcher to run your game?
  12. I dont really agree with this. Mainly because I like it being hard and always having a challenge.