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About queman

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  1. - Name or whatever you want to be called and dayz name: Josh | Queman - Age: 22 - Do you have skype and TS: both - How experienced you are: ~40h playtime -good experience in surviving, stacking up loot fast. low xp in killing ppl - only defend myself - What role you would like to play/play best (Sniper, spotter, medic, support, assault): Medic or Support - Something funny ? www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiaS44eHkyQ
  2. Interested. Skype: Queman I am 22y, experienced, hardcore friendly survivor. I rather die myself than shoot someone onsight. from Germany Do you play on Private Hive with anticheat/whitelist ? If not dont even add me, cause I dont play pub.
  3. queman

    Your way of saying "friendly"

    Definetly this! Being friendly towards strangers is way more brave and adrenaline pumping than just shoot someone like a coward, which i actually never did so far. so yea I cant really tell how much fun it is shooting ppl for no reason - i just cant imagine that it is fun at all. I only defended myself sometimes.. Yes this is great. You can easily get to know groups and lone wolves on the server you might just joined fast. Teaming up this was is great to get good gear fast cause you often walk into ppl who already have something on the server you choose. Just way better than go to sniper hill or idk and steal some lame sniper gear..
  4. Nice! Next time dont fuck around with him .. U were close on being killed, too. :o L85A2 is a great weapon.. found it in a camp from TMW. Its definetly obtainable at Heli Crash Sites.
  5. I came across them 2 times now and I didnt take anything. I was really attracted the first time, but the second time the hacker teleports right behind me saying "its christmas time" and spawn this box. Its ridiculous. I told him I dont cheat and that this is ruining the fun for everyone and left the server. Also reported the guy to the community the server is sponsored from. Really guys, taking something outta this box is just lame and makes you stop playing the game even faster, because you dont feel lucky and good about a item you find yourself. Thats all I can say about those boxes. They are there to ruin the game. Hacker leave them in Stores and populated areas to ruin the game. Why? Because they are fuckin Nolifers!
  6. lol like it! is Panthera the map where everyone can has helis easy ?
  7. Can you transfer the gear from official to private ? (noobquestion) If so, I'd be very interested! =) edit so I send you my application, but idk if its really sent or just jumping back to top of page.. ?! <_< Glad to see more whitelist servers coming! Keep up the good work! B)
  8. queman

    Fun on Fallujah!

    lol i bet 5 cans of beans that this as50+9magz are totally cheated... so lame
  9. queman

    Looking for one more member to group

    On which servers are you playing regulary ?
  10. queman

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    I prefer my L85A2 at Nighttime. :P
  11. queman

    Operation: Humanity

    Well. thats unfortunate.
  12. queman

    survived 80 DayZ

    Did you play every single day ? Kudos!
  13. queman

    Operation: Humanity

    I will be there. Answer my PM if you like :P
  14. Hi everyone, as the title predicts, I want to know if someone can actually help me up, when its 'already too late' ? For me the sandglass symbol always ment I am dead, cause I was playing alone, but now I know the TMW Guys and I hope for another rescue maybe ^^ I would really appreciate an answer. This shouldnt be the thread begging for help from TMW or any others, but I am open for friendly tasks from your side ;) Thanks for help! #edit just found this :rolleyes: Causes of being Unconscious: A very large amount of lethal damage. (most rifles, sniper rifles, and high military-graded weapons) Dropping below 3000 blood will cause the player to drift in and out of consciousness (there is a 1 in 100 chance for this, and it is rolled once every second in the game). Logging in with the Shock condition. Being hit by a zombie while you have less than 9000 blood. Occasionally due to a glitch while walking through open doors. Currently a bug in the game: being unconsciousness after login without being unconscious before relogging/exiting the game. Treatment An Epi-Pen will fix this condition instantly, however if the player has low blood they may head straight back into unconsciousness. It is therefore advised to bandage and fix all other conditions before the player is injected with the Epi-Pen. Remember that an Epi-Pen has to be used by another survivor to give yourself consciousness. guess this can be /closed
  15. Thanks for the tips ! For me: Visibility ~1900 is best. I think most FPS are conducted to this..