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Everything posted by neon155

  1. neon155

    Dallas 30 Nuke

    I was also on this server at the time along with two buddies. We were cruising along in our car and bam, we all died, no way to fight it. Put an end to our glorious adventures and sent us spiraling into a depression.
  2. Date/Time: May 16-17,2012. About 4:35pm today (EST), between 6pm ish and 10 ish last night. What happened: Logged in for first time today since last night to a previous posistion of mine, probably about 4 hours before I logged off for the night, and maybe 20 minutes before switching servers. My model was not the bandit model, it was a survivor, my inventory was missing items I gathered the night before, watch, hunting knife, some food, and my alice bag missing a Kobra, a mag, and some various items. Basically when I logged back in today, my items were rolled back to a time before I logged off for the night. Where you were: Logoff was in a house in Pusta. Loged in today between Polana and Orlovets. I had switched servers night before just outside Polana. The posistion I spawned in today was a place I was in for a moment the night before. What you were doing: Logging back in. *Current installed version: DayZ: 1.5.7, ArmA: 1.60.87580 (ArmA II, OA, BAF, and PMC w/ DayZ mod) *Server(s) you were on: NY for today's login, Chicago 8 for last night's logoff, and I believe I switched from Chicago 3 to Chicago 8. *Your system specs: Unneeded. *Timeline of events before/after error: Last night: traveled towards Polana, switched servers, went to Pusta, then Elektrozavodsk gathered supplies, back to Pusta, logged off in house. Logged in today, was near wall of industrial place btween Orloveta and Polana. Pictures from Steam (In chronological): Below is a picture of carnage during my travel from Polana (town in picture) to Pusta. I had the bandit skin in this pic, it soon changed when my humanity made it to 2000. May 16, 2012 @ 7:34pm. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577830600969333568/894CBA065DEB09465C502477EEB1CB31EA6CBEC5/ Below is a picture after I linked up with friends in Pusta, the server had crashed or something and when we were back on it was night, also you can see that the chem lights in the picture weren't behaving right, only one is glowing. May 16, 2012 @ 8:34pm. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577830600969335457/5A000371235C0136ED36B4FDB73B24C6E7BFD7DD/ Below is a picture I took after I logged back in and noticed my stuff was gone. May 17, 2012 @ 4:36pm. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577830600987865554/96FDEFB37D7A627611C0424EC2144DCE9187EEE6/ Thanks for your time and I hope this helps resolve this bug, it's quite an annoyance.