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About RebeccaBlack

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  1. RebeccaBlack

    Stuck in the ground

  2. RebeccaBlack

    Stuck in the ground

    Hello! I have a question, I was in a vehicle when I got teleported, I disconnected when still in a vehicle and now when I logged in, I'm stuck in the ground. Any idéas on how I can get up? This is not the first time this has happened. How do I get up? :( Only way I know of is parking a vehicle closeby so I can get in the drivers seat, but my friends are down south without vehicles.
  3. RebeccaBlack

    This game is so f*cked up!

    My computer is decent I5 2500 GTX 560 ti 8GB RAM But its weird 2fps lag, never had this shit before. Started now when I died.
  4. RebeccaBlack

    This game is so f*cked up!

    Wow, since I died I have had like 2fps all the time, laggs like fuq. I have always been able to play the game at the highest settings, what teh fuq is this?
  5. RebeccaBlack

    This game is so f*cked up!

    Those buggs are some everyday buggs though, happens everytime I play.
  6. RebeccaBlack

    This game is so f*cked up!

    What tears bro? I rofled when I died.
  7. RebeccaBlack

    This game is so f*cked up!

    I reported this, didnt I? :D
  8. RebeccaBlack

    This game is so f*cked up!

    First time we changed servers in about 2 hours.
  9. RebeccaBlack

    This game is so f*cked up!

    Why shouldnt we be hopping servers? I got killed by some fucked up weird shit and therefore we decided to change servers? Dumbfuck. The server had 16 ping.
  10. I have been playing constantly for the past 2 weeks and me and my friend have never had this many rollbacks in the same hour. Every fucking time we logout to change server or restarting the game we ALWAYS get 5 min rollbacks, what the f*ck is wrong with your servers? We have been playing on many many servers and its the same on every server. Two minutes ago, I died with my AS50, Rangefinder, NVG, 2 antibitoca and alot more, you want to know how? So do I. I was riding my bike and suddenly I got teleported to some weird place with alot of cars, 2 seconds later I was back where I was riding my bike, but I didnt have my bike and I died seconds later. I didnt get killed from a sniper and I didnt get killed by a hacker. My friend picked up all my stuffs, ran 2 minutes to safety to logout and when he joined another server, ROLLBACK! F*ck you, DayZ Crew. Everything about this game, Is messed up atm. FIX IT!
  11. Hello! I accidently upgraded to and I wonder how to downgrade to 1.7.2?