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About Unknown.User

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  1. Unknown.User

    Throwing stuff; bottles, tin cans etc

    Put it in your main Inventory. Then press "f" till it show up in the upper right corner. Then simply press left mouse and hold it to throw it away. Regards
  2. Unknown.User

    [X1M] Clan on LU166 Believed Hackers

    Hi. Just found this thread. And even if i will make things worse, i will try it. First of all @madmansam: It isnt your server. It is mine or at least paid by me. It is a community server. So it is for everyone. No one has more rights on it then the other. Well ok beside me. ;) And it isnt true that if one does something all of them do the same. Would be the same like saying: If one dog bites you, all doing it. Both is wrong. Second: I know the Clan you are referring too. At least some of them. If i would catch them cheating, be sure that they will be kicked/banned. So far i have played several hours with them and couldnt find any suspicious behaviour. They have their camps all around the map like other Clans too i guess. But i cant be there 24/7 naturally. So if one of these guys used a weapon from another server which was spawned by a hacker it was his own fault, but i think that all of us could have make this fault in the first days of playing. Even me. It is hard to tell which weapon is "real" and which are hacked if you are new to this game. So take me serious that i would ban any hacker if i have proof of it, even if it is a person which i know. But the most threads about this kind of reports (even yours sadly) is without any evidence like a video or anything. I cant take anything which is said just to make a decision. Hope you know what i mean by that. That isnt how such things are handled. Just cause one says another one is a cheater doesnt mean that it is true. Dont get me wrong. I dont call you a liar. I playing games for about 15 years now and i am way older than the average player here i guess. I have no need to support cheater/hacker and never had. So and btw i have set up a TS server for LU166, where i am around if i am at home or playing. The adress is, just send me a message if i am afk. Feel free to connect but beware that my native language is german and my spoken english isnt that well. I guess the summary of this is: Bring me proof of evidence and i will take actions. Best regards. P.S.: And i have no idea how Lynn can say that one of them is paying for this. I am not a member nor will i be one. There is one of them which a granted some rights to start/stop the server cause i cant be around all the time. But thats it. So it isnt theirs also. Like i said above it is for everyone.
  3. Unknown.User

    Cheat Report from LU166 (Heli Spawn)

    Sorry, that i didnt find it earlier. But it isnt that easy to find evidence. But i am on it trying. Best for it would be videos. But i know that not everyone has running Fraps beside playing. Anyway thank you. Regards
  4. Unknown.User

    Where should I head next?

    Well, then keep in mind that you can set a marker with "Shift + left click" to find your way. Regards
  5. Hi. In my case my server restarts every 8 hours. So i made three Restarts like on this picture: http://i.imgur.com/iZxNu.jpg First one is at 0:00 AM, second 8:00 AM and the last one at 4:00 PM. Just set the time you want and as date the following day. Type should be daily, then it is renewed every day. And for the messaging thing i havent a solution yet. At least not an automatic one. Dont think Vilayer has one implemented yet. Hope that helps a bit. Regards P.S.: What you could do to warn your player is to set the Motd with the information about the times of the restarts. That is what i did.
  6. Unknown.User

    Where should I head next?

    Deer stands, Balota or maybe to the northwestern airfield. But at the last one you should be very careful because of snipers. Beside that i hope you have already a map? Would make things much easier to find. Regards
  7. Well. I thaught that but would like to get a better explanation. ;)
  8. Same here. Any explanation for this? Regards
  9. Unknown.User


    Another hint maybe. Zombies cant run in buildings. So if you find a barn for example with two entrances just run into it and on the other side out. Mostly you will get rid of the zombies this way. Good luck in surviving. ;) Regards
  10. Unknown.User

    When joining a new server What means what?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15359-server-tags-demystified-how-to-find-the-right-server/ Regards
  11. Unknown.User

    The first character

    Every coloured dot on that map means there can be something found. And for the thirst thing: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Survival
  12. Unknown.User

    about beta patch 94945

    Sorry that i cant help you with your problem. But for the next time it is enough to just install the older version over the new one. Worked for me. Maybe you need to reinstall arma. Could help and i would give it a try. Regards
  13. Unknown.User

    LU131 Suspicious admin activity

    LU = Luxembourg Regards
  14. Me too and the other guys who wanna play. :)