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Everything posted by RudestBuddhist

  1. RudestBuddhist

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    I think we should become friends. I'd have NO problem if you bought me a copy of the beta and promise I'll play with you ;)
  2. RudestBuddhist

    My V3S Civilian turned into a bus...

    Once, I saw a bush turn into a man, so I shot it... but then I realized the man was wearing some kind of bush outfit. It was really weird and now i'm really uncomfortable when running around. I crawl towards every bush now, just to be sure..
  3. RudestBuddhist

    Took about 20 mins to See a ban

    Good to hear from an admin that doesn't freak the hell out. What's your server?
  4. RudestBuddhist

    I found a Radio

    The radio must be accompanied by a Mountain Dew, or the sacrifice is not complete...
  5. RudestBuddhist

    Low Res Textures....

    They were on sale for $5.99 during the Steam Summer Sale.
  6. RudestBuddhist

    Come get me.

    The last time someone dared me to kill them, I woke up, tied to a chair with sausages draped across my face. No thank you sir!
  7. RudestBuddhist

    Packs of Wolves? Just throwin this out there...

    It would be cool if there are animals that attack. Wolves rarely attack people though, but if a pack is desperate or scared, they might. Wild boars should definitely charge when close.
  8. RudestBuddhist

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    I thought I saw someone with a shovel near those graves...
  9. RudestBuddhist

    Anyone else...run out of things to do?

    I can't wait until they enable the sky city. It's gonna be so much fun shooting people from the clouds!
  10. RudestBuddhist

    Mountain Dew - In game currency?

    I'll trade you 15 Mello Yello for your Mountain Dew; it just doesn't taste right...
  11. RudestBuddhist

    I'll miss you Evan and Anuxa

    That it's hard to yell "Friendly?" while driving 75MPH?
  12. RudestBuddhist

    The Hunger Games Style

    No, you have a good idea, but like others have said, a bell would be out of place for the game. Now if the atmospheric music was dynamic, there could be an ominous sound when a player is killed. That would be a subtle way of doing it and it hopefully wouldn't throw you out of the game's experience.
  13. RudestBuddhist

    Microphone not working?

    Are you seeing the mic icon when pressing CapsLock?
  14. RudestBuddhist

    3 Global bans in one minute (US #NY199)

    Ewwww, you don't know where that tent pole has been!
  15. RudestBuddhist

    release that patch

    No way, I love this patch. For some reason it's not affecting me, so I'm always raiding the tents in Stary and no one is around. YEAH! :thumbsup:
  16. RudestBuddhist

    US 1040 Colony Idea?

    Sounds like a good time. If my friend doesn't want to play tonight, i'll stop by and help out. My character has been alive for almost 2 weeks, so I'm bound to get shot anyways. Might as well have some fun working with a group of friendlies.
  17. RudestBuddhist

    When to Trust

    Mmmm beans
  18. RudestBuddhist

    Best Hacker of All Time... Scariest Moment Ever.

    Wow, that was just incredible. I'm really hoping I never come across this... ever.
  19. Ahh I found the article. It's using Bohemia's Real Virtuality engine. Cool, can't wait!
  20. Where did you hear that? I didn't think anyone stated what engine is going to be used. Just curious.
  21. RudestBuddhist


    Dear lord that's creepy looking!
  22. RudestBuddhist

    Anyone looking for Mountain Dew?

    Just like Frogurt, Dew is cursed!
  23. Be careful. Drink more than 3 Dews and you'll glow like a chemlight at night; plus the zombies love the taste of dew soaked organs.
  24. RudestBuddhist

    Why do my tents keep getting discovered?

    Killing noobs and making a camp? Please tell me you have a tent that's exclusively filled with flashlights with their victim's names written on each one in sharpie.