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About subgenius5150

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  1. subgenius5150

    Kicked from game constantly.

    i updateed the game with commander and it says its all up to date I know OA is at 1.62 got it from the link that you provided arma2 is at 1.06
  2. subgenius5150

    Kicked from game constantly.

    Bump for more info on this
  3. subgenius5150

    No more copying to your OA folder

    What if you are getting said CAMisc_fix error and not using a steam game but a retail version?
  4. subgenius5150

    Non Leathal Rounds?

    cause i havent been on the forums inn four months and saw that oothers replied to it...
  5. subgenius5150

    Non Leathal Rounds?

    this too
  6. subgenius5150

    Kicked from game constantly.

    I am having the same issue with the pbo files saying to remove them. I tried your fixes the MS hotfix says not needed on my comp and the installing the OA patch to latest does nothing either... i still get the same error "Files "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\expansion\dta\core.pbo", Followed by the same directory naming multiple PBO files such as, air_e.pbo, animals_e.pbo, ca_e.pbo, ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys." I used to be able to play DAYz just fine but uninstalled it a couple months ago and just now reinstalled it today to this nonsence... does anyone have a clue on this or a successful fix?
  7. subgenius5150

    Non Leathal Rounds?

    I was thinking that we should have non leathal rounds put into the game, Like a variation of all current ammo that would knock a target unconscious for 30 seconds. This would come in great for when doing tactics and practicing or even trolling other players without being mean and killing them. Thoughts?
  8. subgenius5150

    Hacker Reported us 1799

    At 3pm Central time utc -6 I located a couple of hackers in Cherno, Using illegal weapons A Silenced M4 with a grenade launcher and unlimited ammo. Have fraps for it players guid ID is b317c14c7b02ca1a3fff918d0432f61a name is Dunknoe was playing with a friend I believe b317c14c7b02ca1a3fff918d0432f61a b317c14c7b02ca1a3fff918d0432f61ab317c14c7b02ca1a3fff918d0432f61a
  9. subgenius5150

    Pending Update: Build

    I believe it is now the Thusday the 26th in New Zealand
  10. subgenius5150

    Pending Update: Build

    I wish there was an update on what is going on , having to sort through 80 pages of posts to find anything officiall is a pain in the ass... Rocket Please Update orginal post on what is happening with this patch that was supposed to be out today
  11. subgenius5150

    Cheat Finder (script parser for admins)

    I wish our servers wwould create a new log file everytime the server is stopped and started instead of it all in one file, when it tells me Line 27453 that is almost impossible to find
  12. subgenius5150

    Cheat Finder (script parser for admins)

    so are we supposed to download the scripts.log file from our host and scan it through?
  13. subgenius5150

    Pending Update: Build

    Yesterday My server was infiltrated by a hacker, This hacker teleported everone on the server to balota airfield and everything went to shit. As an admin I am helpless to hackers due to teh fact that I have no way to track what people are doing. If I had a way to see what scripts were being loaded on the server while in my RCON or through log file access that show that sort of thing then I would be able to Ban said person through IP and through GUID. Without the proper tools to hunt down these people the problem is only going to get worse. This needs to be addressed.
  14. There is some crazy stuff going on today. I run a server, and would appriciate an actual thread started by a DEV or Admin in the anouncements section telling us what is going on and how to fix it. I use Six Launcher and am hosting through HFBservers.com (whose website has been down all day). All these threads from the rollout today that random forums users are not helpful and are all just speculation. I do not want to download anything that is not in an official post. PLEASE GIVE US AN UPDATE OFFICIALLY.