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Everything posted by CryStorm

  1. CryStorm

    US361: Hacking Clan

    Did you just spell a war you were in wrong? Secondly, the Gulf War happened in 1990. When did they start letting 11 year olds in the army?
  2. CryStorm

    US361: Hacking Clan

    GRT does not run US361, nor do we condone hacking. What a few group of individuals may do does not represent our clan as a whole. - Specter Edit: We used to play on 361, but left due to a hacking infestation.
  3. As rigid as this application is, I'm enjoying answering the questions as I type this. Hope to be able to play with you guys soon!
  4. CryStorm

    Looking for serious minded players.

    Just added you on Steam, my display name is Andrew Specter.